insta life and well life in general (it’s been a while)

It’s been a while!  Like a long while!

We’ve been a busy bunch over here and we just returned from vacation.  I can’t believe I’m actually saying that… vacation!  We did it! We hoped on a flight and traveled away from the house… with the wee one and got away for a few days!

Tuck and I have been working really hard lately and we were excited to visit with some family and some friends;  excited to take a breather and just relax!  

And then we got off the plane and realized… relax SMELAX!  We have a toddler…. there IS no relaxing!  At least not for a while while our wee one enjoys doing wind sprints every where we go and traveling up and down every stair, step, mountain, hill possible.

But we did have a GREAT time and we did get to do some really wonderful things:  like visiting Hogwarts at Universal.  If you know me… you know I’m a slightly obsessed Harry Potter fanatic (and it was a dream come true!)

Here are some peeks at our vacation life through our insta-grams (or at least what was saved after some phones sadly were lost to the Hulk,)


Lot’s and lot’s of photography posts coming your way this week!

Tomorrow:  Senior portrait fun!

Later this week:  Cake Smash,  A sweet little Newborn, and another Cake Smash!

This has been one of the busiest times  (this summer) of my photography career so far!  I have been so incredible blessed to have amazing clients and amazing friends who have supported me and trusted me and allowed me to be a part of their lives!

Feeling very grateful and in awe!

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