Insta Life and i phone shenanigans | Personal

It’s been a crazy time for us!  We’ve been traveling, hanging out with friends and I’ve been working like crazy!

I always say I will keep up with my blogging and schedule posts and pre-blog… but let’s just be honest:  I’m kind of horrible at that!

The time just gets away from me and I slack.  I realize I have to pack (and then re-pack because I like to think I can fit all my stuff into the small bag but I can’t… I’m THAT girl!).  I realize I have to clean (because I’m OCD now that I’ve had Linc, that nesting bug never did really leave.)    I realize I need to finish up a session before I hop in the car because I can’t edit on my laptop anymore because I’m spoiled now with the big screen (plus I get car sick trying to do it in the car).

Excuses I know, but still….it’s my truth!

We’ve been having some fun though and while my big professional camera has been hard at work taking pictures of some pretty amazing people;  my iphone has been pretty busy taking pictures of our little family!

Here’s what we’ve been up to lately according to our insta and i phones!

Sometimes it feels like life is just happening soo soo fast but I’m super grateful that we do have phones that allows us to capture those small moments!  Love my big camera but grateful I have the one that’s usually always in a pocket or a purse!

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