Monthly Archives: December 2014

Ever since I found out Laurie was pregnant… I’ve been dying to do a maternity shoot for her!  I caught wind of her pregnancy a little bit before she actually messaged me so I was patiently waiting!  When she finally messaged me, I could hardly contain my excitement!  In fact… I think I startled my entire family when I squealed out loud!

You see… I don’t think I could be any more excited for two people to become parents!  I could go into a entire novel of details, but I won’t!  I just know that Laurie and Adam are going to be some of the most amazing parents in the world!  You know the second you meet with them and speak with them… these two have so much love and so much to give and so much to teach and pass on!  Little baby D is one lucky and blessed little girl!  And if I don’t stop talking about it now, I’m either going to burst into tears or start rambling on and make absolutely no sense at all!  So I’ll just let the pictures do all the talking!

It always amazes me when couples want to do winter sessions outdoors!  I’m not a huge fan of the cold weather, so I always come bundled up and prepared with crazy amounts of hand warmers and those snap pads that you can stick on and they heat up.  You know those things I’m talking about right?!  Laurie and Adam were such amazing troopers and they trusted me completely to place them in the perfect light!  When we talked about location, Laurie said they love all things rustic or beachy or woodsy but they were open to anything! We chose First Landing State Park and these two were completely amazing!

Laurie’s been craving oranges and apples, so we brought a few along for a little picnic snack!

LAURIE… Stop it girl!  GORGEOUS!!!!!


This weekend Linc had his second soccer practice!  I missed his first (which was hard for me because I haven’t missed any of his firsts so far) but it was bound to happen.

I was really excited about this Saturday and I couldn’t WAIT to see him in action.  Luckily Tuck sent me video snippets of his first practice (which was just as funny as could be) so I was dying all week to just make it to Saturday to see it in person!

We pumped Linc up again for soccer, which really isn’t necessary because this kid LOVES to kick a ball (or anything remotely close to a ball).  We put him in his little jersey and I grabbed my camera of course and we headed out to the field house!

Let me just say… there is nothing more wild, funnier, crazier, and a bit scarier than a bunch of 2-3 year olds running around with soccer balls in a very small space!  The coaches do a fantastic job of wrangling them in and getting them to organize for brief little spurts of coordinated activities… but woah!  And this is coming from someone who takes Linc to the little gym on Thursdays!

I guess I had pictured something a bit different when I thought hey… we’re going to soccer at the field house!  I had imagined the amoeba like sport where all the kids clump together and move in one big blob to kick the ball around!  This was more of an introduction to the sport of soccer:  let’s kick the ball occasionally, play with the goal and have a great time interacting with all things soccer!

Don’t get me wrong…it was AWESOME!  Just different than what I expected.  I looked over to the other little fields they had sectioned off for the soccer practices and found it hard to believe that in just a short period of time Linc would go from crazily kicking the ball wildly around this area, to one day soon being able to practice drills like the kids in the other areas.  It baffles me how quick they pick things up!

Linc was pretty awesome I do have to say!  He really LOVED kicking the ball around!  He loves kicking in goal and even more, he loves grabbing the balls OUT of the goal.  I think maybe goal keeping is in his future!  You could tell some of the regulars there that had a hard time with Linc’s hands on approach!  They’ve got it down and are for sure ready to move on to the world of drilling!

I did manage to take a few pictures, although they aren’t of the best quality!  I’ll remember next time to bring a flash (as much as I don’t love shooting with one) and maybe a bit of a better lens.

At the end of the day though, I’m glad I have these of my little beckham!  The last image is my favorite… that kick was EPIC!  

This engagement session is super special to me!  I’m so excited to share this and beyond honored to be able to share in Christie & Adam’s joy and adventure!

Christie and her family grew up right next door to me.  We had one house separating us but we grew up in the same little circle!  Her brother and her sister, Christie and I would all play together before school and after school.  We would gather around on the weekends and play until our parents called us home to dinner.  During the long spring and summer days, we would meet outside after dinner and play long after dark:  flash light tag, capture the flag and hide out in their amazing back yard in their play set!

We grew up breaking out all the crazy push bikes, boogie boards and anything that had wheels when the cul-de-sac would flood during rain storms.  We would play in the shin deep water and splash around while our parents would sit together and catch up!

I’m not quite sure who had more fun during halloween trick or treat… the kids or our dads!  I think years after we were too old to go out, our dad’s may have even still walked around a time or two.

Christie and her family are almost like brothers and sisters to me.  I grew up right along side of them and I feel like I shared a lot of my best growing up moments with them.

Christie is now kind of a big deal!  I won’t go into the details of what she does, but she’s pretty important and it’s pretty darn impressive!

I was so excited to head up to DC to meet with her and Adam and get to know the two of them together!   I was excited to catch back up with Christie and hear all about how she has been!  I couldn’t wait to see the two of them together!

All I can tell you:  you know when two people are completely meant to be!

They just fit.  They fit in a way that’s more than comfortable.  They fit in a way that’s more than just “in love”.  They compliment each other in ways that go deeper than just the usual, oh they know each other!

It’s the smallest of details that let you know!

It’s in the way that Adam let’s Christie take the spotlight (even though she hates the spotlight).  Yet Christie fully admits that Adam tells the better story and always ends up letting him finish:  she starts the story and he always finishes.  It’s the perfect beginning and end, every time!

It’s the way they are always stealing glances at each other when they think the other isn’t looking.  It’s a quick glance, but it’s filled with the most sincere affection I have ever seen!

It’s in the way Adam watches Christie walk:  making sure she’s safe and protected but letting her take the lead a bit!

It’s in the way that Adam makes Christie laugh!  A laugh that makes her face light up and a grin that spreads like a light!  You can’t help but smile or laugh yourself when Adam makes Christie laugh… it’s that infectious!

Some love is loud and bright!  Some love is outgoing and catching!  Christie and Adam have a love that is kind and graceful.  It’s soft, it’s subtle and it’s so lovely to see!

I am beyond excited for their wedding day and I can not wait to see the two of them together!  I know that once they are surrounded by friends and family, I will begin to see a bit of a wilder side!  I can not wait for that!

Until then… enjoy a few of my favorites from our time together at our sunrise session!

Adam is a big runner so it was extra special to capture these moments of the two of them in these places as the sun was rising!  Adam usually spends his mornings running these paths watching the sun come up and enjoying the peace and quiet.

It was extra special to capture them together and allow them to have some quiet moments to themselves (you know… as quiet as you can get and as alone as you can get with a crazy camera woman a few yards back!)