Yearly Archives: 2014

While it still feels like summer around here-the humidity… WOW!  I am starting to finally let go and realize that with the arrival of pumpkins at the farm fresh, and Starbucks PSL and the return of my beloved Salted Caramel mocha… Fall is really here.  This really is the best time of year here in Virginia Beach.  We do get some longer pool days, and most of the time the weather is amazing leaving behind the humid summer days (except not at the moment) in favor of cooler summer temperatures.  It’s still warm enough for the pool but cooler at night!  September and october are the best months in this area, in my opinion.

As I’ve been going on sessions and preparing for mini sessions, I’ve realized there are so many images from this summer that I haven’t had a chance to put on the computer yet from our time together as a family!  We’ve been so busy enjoying our  last few days  of summer together that there just hasn’t been time for uploading and blogging.

I’m trying really hard to find the right balance between behind the camera moments, being in the moments and then “working” on the moments.  Yes I want to have ALL the moments frozen forever… but what good is freezing the moments if I was just an observer and not a participant?!

So as I participate sometimes some pretty cool images get backed up, or left on the cutting board.  I thought I’d share them this morning!

That time Linc and Hadley went on a fantasy date!

And when we went to BG and met Elmo!!!  We didn’t leave the Sesame Street forrest ALL day.. and it was AWESOME!


It’s Monday.. and it’s raining and I have to say I kind of love monday morning rainy days!  I love the sound of the rain.  I love that rainy days give me an excuse to stay inside and snuggle.  I love that they give me extra incentive to work in my hobbit hole of goodness!

I love that when I’m finished with my work and while Linc is still in school, they give me an opportunity to sit on the couch and eat my lunch to a horribly delicious reality tv show I may have recorded on the DVR!

Today I am happy for so many little things besides the rain.  I’m happy that when it’s time to pick Linc up from school.. we will probably jump in puddles.  I will grab my camera and snap a few pictures to put up against the ones from April.  I can’t believe how much he’s grown since then!

I’m supper happy that after dropping Linc off at school I stopped into the neighborhood Farm Fresh to get some Starbucks and I got to try the Butter Beer Frapp!  OH MY GOODNESS!!  Of all the magical Harry Potter goodness, this is by far the best ever butter beer I have ever sampled!  It’s a secret menu item and it’s to die for!

I also love that Linc decided to assert some of his own style this morning and picked out his own outfit!

I give you: Linc Tuck

Those boots!  He loves those boots!  Wants to wear them all day, everyday!  He’s a mess.  I had to pack his crocs in his bag just in case his teacher could slip those bad boys off him and get him into his crocs.  He can’t walk in them too well yet so please let him have his crocs on when I pick him up today!

I’m also super excited to announce FAMILY FALL MINIS are back!!!  This is one of my favorite times of the year!  Seasons start to change and the weather in Virginia Beach becomes perfect!  Warm air but a nice cool breeze comes through bringing with it the hint at fall!  Best time of year in these parts!

So check out the details and e mail me if you’re interested in reserving your spot!

Happy Holiday Weekend Ya’ll and can I please say an Amen for a long weekend with my family!!!

The weather is amazing and we are headed off to find some good old family fun and adventure.  So in honor of that and the weekend to come… I don’t have a whole lot to say except go out and enjoy your last days of summer!  Let your hair down, abandon the schedule!  Free yourself of the lists and the “must do’s” and savor the moments and adventures of these last few summer days and long summer nights!

I can’t believe how quickly summer raced by.  I’m sad to see it go but I am happy to see some cooler breezes.  I’m not quite ready for the fall weather.  I’m not ready to bring out the sweaters.  I’m definitely not ready to leave my flip flops behind (although I never really do.)  I’m ready to leave the windows open and I’m ready to eat dinner on the deck without the bugs.  I’m ready to let Linc play in “Lincoln’s park” (haha) while we grill out and make smore’s.  I wish we could have that type of weather year round!  The kind of weather where it’s still hot enough to play and splash in the water during the day but the night’s bring on the cool breezes that leave you wanting a blanket or a cozy knit!  Those are the days and nights I dream about all year round.

So I’m sad for summer to go but I’m happy for this transition time between summer and fall.  I’m happy that my crazy little man is so wild and fun right now.  I’m happy that we get to spend this long weekend celebrating the completion of a crazy summer/crazy year and crazy time in our lives.  I happy that with this breezy transition weather it will bring us back to moments where we get to be a family again all the time with no big separations!

So HELLO holiday weekend… we’ve been waiting for you!

In photography news:  Fall Mini Dates to be announced soon!  Leave a comment below if you have a weekend date in mind that would work best for you!
