Love & Laughter Family Session Give Away!

OK! Here it is… the big news!  I’m so excited to really kick off this new year the right way!  Who doesn’t love a little GIVE AWAY?!

Here are the details!!  It’s really soo simple!  Only a few guidelines and you are entered to win!

  1. All participants must LIKE Brooke Tucker Photography on Facebook!  (Easy Peasy!)
  2. Leave a comment in the comment section under the image posted for the give away… WIN!
  3.  You can earn a double entry if you share the image on your own facebook page!
  4. All sessions will be done in Virginia Beach (time frame will be around February/March time frame!)
  5. Make up will be provided for the gorgeous mama!  YAY!  That is so exciting!!!
  6. Session will be styled and have some props but will also be laid back and free to allow your own family’s personality to shine through!
  7. Two dates will be secured (one in case it rains!)


The winner will be chosen (by random) at 7 am and announced on Facebook tomorrow morning!  Good Luck!  I am so excited to work with you!!!  I can’t wait to start this new year with some wonderfully fun family images!

(Visited 84 times, 1 visits today)
  • January 7, 2015 - 7:56 pm

    Ileana - Win!! ReplyCancel

  • January 8, 2015 - 1:52 am

    Janice - Can’t wait to meet you! My hubby and I have 3 sons, 3 daughter in laws 1 granddaughter and 2 grandsons! What a wonderful family photo this will be….ReplyCancel

  • January 8, 2015 - 1:58 am

    Janice Monroe - WINReplyCancel

  • January 8, 2015 - 2:11 am

    Nikki Hofmeister - WIN!ReplyCancel

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