Monthly Archives: February 2015

It stared early… like 14 weeks early.  Little man was ready!  He was done and wanted to meet the world!

That’s when we knew he was going to be strong willed!

Our exciting and pretty easy pregnancy turned into an exciting pregnancy in an entirely different way!

We were in and out of the doctor’s office for testing.  In and out of the hospital for contractions at 14 weeks and so on.  We were in and out of the hospital because Linc would hold his cord… Tuck called it early oxygen deprivation training. We would laugh because that was all we could do!

We we worried but we kept pretty active.  As active as we could be!

I started to get some weird aches and pains (a broken rib here… a crazy sciatic there!)  Nothing that I was sure most women didn’t feel!

I was told to take it easy but no bed rest yet!  Thank goodness!  Pregnancy though wasn’t shaping up to be what I had imagined.  I really did think I was going to love it.  My mom loved it.  She told me she felt the best when she was pregnant and here I was, just like my mom, couldn’t wait to be pregnant… but I felt weird and gross and awful!  I felt nothing like my mom.  I felt nothing like what I thought I was going to feel.  This whole process, nothing was what I had expected, nothing was what I had thought it was going to be, hoped it was going to be.

I had cramps and contractions and was just broken down!

Then came the worst appointment.  I was finally 37 weeks and it was just a regular check up with NST.  I had to come in for regular NST since they were a little concerned about some things.  I wasn’t high risk yet… but they were concerned.  Tuck volunteered to go with me since I was being monitored more frequently but I was being positive and said no… it would be fine.

When I got there… I didn’t realize!

Working at the children’s hospital gave me enough information to freak myself out.  I knew too much but not enough if you know what I mean.

When the PA came in and told me that my baby’s abdomen was small and that if he didn’t come in the next few days or so they were going to “take him from me”.  I literally flipped my you know what!

I worked in the NICU briefly and I knew just enough about NICU babies to be horribly freaked out!!!

What in the heck did that mean.. his abdomen was measuring small?!

No questions were answered… she just kept repeating herself and I could feel myself getting angry and scared and worked up.  She sent me down the hall for another NST.

Thank goodness my Doula was able to get on the phone with me and help calm me down.  The nurses were MIA and the bells and alarms kept sounding on the NST machine.  Linc’s heart rate was all over the place and at this point, I was in panic mode.

Laura (my doula) was fantastic!  She reassured me that sometimes right before birth the baby’s heart rate slows down and that was probably what was happening.  She told me that no matter what the doctor’s were saying I was completely in the healthy and clear zone to have Lincoln and maybe that was what I should focus on right now.

She told me that God was good and that no matter what, He was going to give me the perfect baby for our family!

Once the nurses let me go;  I packed up my thing, got in my car and completely sobbed in the parking lot for 45 minutes.  I called Tuck and barely got out all the words.

I was scared.  I was a first time mom and had no idea what was going on.  I had been given no real information and no idea what was going to happen from here on out.

Tuck immediately left work and met me at home.  The two of us spent that Thursday evening just being together and trying to figure out the next steps.

It was a crazy Thursday night.  I didn’t get any sleep but when I did finally get up on Friday morning… I had some clarity.

I spoke to a few of my friends who did have truly traumatic birth stories.  Their littles were very truly miracles and are healthy and happy now!

I spoke with Laura again and she and I agreed that worrying wouldn’t do me any good!  I focused on drinking my red raspberry leaf tea and focused on actually inducing my own labor.

I never thought that 1 cup of red raspberry leaf tea and a dinner out with friends would do the trick!!!

You might be asking yourself at this point what does all this have to do with The Lifetime Experience?~

Trust me friends… it has everything to do with it!  All these moments and those to come (especially those to come) led me to create the Lifetime Experience and not only create it but to believe in it with all of my heart and all of who I am:   being and soul!

To hear more about our story with Lincoln and how this experience led to my Lifetime Experience… keep up next week!

To read part 1 and part 2… click here and here!



This weekend was crazy!  

It was not my favorite weekend!  On Friday, I had all these plans!  I do that… I make plans.  I love plans.  I love planners.  I love coming up with plans.  I love writing plans down.  I love crossing the plans off.  I love it when a plan comes together!! I love getting excited about the plan!

Plans!!! Plans.  Are.  Awesome!!!

Except, Life doesn’t DO plans!  In fact, this is something I learn over and over again… Life laughs at my plans face!  It’s a good thing actually because really, I plan the plans and I have planned time to even make plans.  So really.. I can say a thank you to life for laughing at my planning self!  It’s a good lesson for me to learn (especially with a toddler!)

Anyway, back to Friday… I made all these plans about what we were going to do this weekend!  I was excited!

Then… Life happened, as it does!  Saturday was nuts.  Linc went to soccer as usual and he was his wild and crazy self!

I had a few valentines mini’s but my plans for that went in a different direction (a good direction and an adorable direction) but a different one.

Linc decided to crash the party in a big way and about half way through, I got a migraine!

I get awful migraines.  The kind that are hemiplegic… half my face and side of my body becomes numb, paralyzed and droops.  It’s super beautiful and attractive!

So my plans to go out with the family that day… well they were ditched when I had to trade them in for sleeping upstairs in a dark and quiet room!

Sunday was shaping up to be a better day but again… life just happens!  Small things happen and big things happen and it’s in between that I realize how these moments are helping me to slow down a bit and just appreciate what IS!

Sometimes we just don’t need to plan.  Sometimes we just need to sit back and take stock of what IS… in this moment.

Plans be gone sometimes… we never know what is in store for us!  Enjoy each second for what it is.  This is my lesson for this year I think!

Little crasher below with his lolipop sticky mouth and soccer shirt!  He decided to lay down and join the fun… except it was on HIS terms as it usually is! 😉




I started doing this a while ago when I stumbled upon an instagram hashtag called the kids were here!  I found myself muffling my hysterical laughing while Linc was trying to nap for his two hours!

When we become parents, our lives are changed in a million different ways:  big ways and small tiny ways!

For me, one of the biggest changes I am still trying to learn to embrace is letting go and just enjoying the moment!  I am always trying to learn from Linc in the art of letting it be!

That nesting bug bite me pretty bad when I was pregnant, so while I’m better now that I have a toddler and life is just beautifully crazy… I still like to clean up a bit behind my little man!

What happens though as I move from these daily tasks to tasks is that I find myself giggling and shaking my head when I see little reminders of the way Linc see’s the world.

Our children are always leaving little pieces of themselves for us to discover and find!

Sometimes, these reminders might delight my heart!  Other times, let’s be honest… they might drive me crazy (like stepping on lego’s that are left in my ugg boots from time to time!)

Sometimes though, I am blessed with remembering that these days aren’t always going to hang around!  Those are the days when I grab my camera as fast as I can and document these silly little play reminders that “my kid was here” today!

It’s an every day moment but it’s a simple moment that reminds me that each second has an opportunity for magic and imagination~

Here’s what’s been sitting on my camera lately!

This one happened this morning!  After making his breakfast and asking him to come sit at the table, I walked over to find that below!  When I asked Linc what in the world spiderman was doing and what happened to his train table, his reply was soo incredibly perfect!  ” SPIDEY SMUSH STORM!”  And then I kid you not, he cackled!

There are just no words for ^ this one!  Linc doesn’t play with these guys a whole lot yet… but when he does they just find themselves in a lot of troubling tactical missions!

This poor little guy below, he gets picked up and dropped and lost all the time!  Tipper was licking him the other day and that’s the first I had seen of him after that incident below!

And just for fun… sometimes the moments happens in between the ones we are hoping to capture!

Happy Weekend Everyone and Happy Friday!  Enjoy your time with your littles and all the magic and wonder and whimsy they bring!