Our July 4 Weekend!


Hope everyone had a very happy and very SAFE Independence Day Weekend!

This weekend re0cap is going to be pretty short and sweet because we made it a point as a family to stay disconnected from all things social media and really all things related to anything that wasn’t big time just family!

I actually feel pretty guilty because I didn’t even pick up my camera for our family (which means I’m already slacking on my 365 of us project!)  MOMFAIL!

We spent the weekend in the pool having pretty epic squirt gun fights and then crashing hard on the couch after!  Linc hasn’t seen a nap since he turned 2 so the sleeping on the couch during the daylight hours was AMAZING!  It also really made my little mom day that I was able to snuggle up with him and watch a movie to the sound of little boy snores!

We grilled, we ate homemade coleslaw and lots and lots of bacon!

We slept in some… we had our bed taken over in the middle of the night by a crazy toddler and a snuggly pitbull and we even picked out some new paint for our house!

All in all we had a really great weekend minus a few storms here and there!

Tuck is home from work and has been all last week and bonus (cross your fingers) this week too!  This week is Linc’s birthday… it’s actually tomorrow (sappy mom heart warning!) so we have some pretty big things planned!

Tonight Tuck and I have some traditions that we started for just us, since my water broke on July 6!  Did you know that only a small percentage of women actually experience their water breaking (I think it’s only like 10 %) and even MORE rare that it will break in public!  I think that number is like .2%.  Guess what… I was THAT person, not even kidding!  I was even early too so let’s not even talk about how the odds were NOT ever in my favor there Katniss!  Or were they depending if you are talking to a very pregnant woman!

But since we were sitting at Tida Thai this very night 3 years ago, Aaron and I made a tradition out of ordering take out and eating our FULL meal that we never got to finish!  It’s a sweet little tradition that seriously, ever since that night has been one of the toughest things we’ve tried to do and complicated with deployments and jobs and trips but somehow we seem to be able to make it work!  And that makes it all the sweeter!

So.. this week I might not be around all that much since we will be celebrating a very special 3 year old!  I do have some pretty great blogs already scheduled including a letter to the birthday boy himself tomorrow, a peek at an anniversary session Tuck and I did just for US and what that truly meant in terms of family and marriage, as well as a motherhood journal session~!

So stay tuned and keep checking back!  I think it’s going to be a good week!

Until then.. here’s a sneak peek from our Anniversary Session from Elizabeth Friske Photography …  This is totally us being us… me making a silly face, Tuck trying not to be too exasperated or wipe his sweat on me!  It’s how we work and believe me… it’s kind of a magical thing!  It make us laugh and there’s a whole post about how why it works so well!


Coastal Anniversary Session by Elizabeth Friske Photography

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  • July 6, 2015 - 2:40 pm

    Ginger Carl - Absolutely adore this picture! Radiant!ReplyCancel

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