I got caught….

brooke tucker photography blog

So this is a true story ya’ll…

Yesterday I knew I was going to spend the morning with my boys in our pj’s (holiday ones!!!) lounging around and resting from all the Thanksgiving festivities!  I knew that we would have a quiet day at home just playing together and being lazy (kind of/restful as you can with a toddler)  We all needed the weekend to re-coup!

I had sessions in the evening and I had sessions that I needed to spend some time uploading and working on so I worked out a pretty good schedule:  balance of good quality morning family time all together and then the boys would have some good quality one on one time since Tuck was heading to work this week!

When I sit down to process images, I like to have background noise.  Sometimes that noise is music and other times it’s a netflix show!  I have to admit that this past weekend I was on a Christmas movie of the Hallmark kind binge!  All those with me… and I know there are some, you know what I”m talking about!

So I grabbed some tea (a kind that my mom has made since childhood that only she can make and thank goodness she brought over in batches on Thanksgiving) set up my computer to netflix and set out to choose something while I culled and processed.  This is where it went downhill.  I chose probably the best and worst movie I could have ever picked!  I didn’t realize that I was choosing a movie that was going to effect me in a way that would leave me up through the middle of the night!  I didn’t realize that I was picking a true story!  I didn’t realize I was picking a movie that would leave me sobbing at my computer!  I didn’t realize I was choosing a movie that would rock me to my core and tap into my roots of the time when I worked at the children’s hospital.

I chose (and it’s on netflix if you want to watch) The Heart of Christmas.  

The story is about a family and a little boy and I am not going into too many details because I would rather you find out for yourself and decide then and there if you want to watch it.

It is based around a mother’s blog and talks about truly cherishing every single moment!  She wants you to love every moment, and live (really live) in every moment that you have with your little ones because you never know what the future holds.

If that’s not telling right there…

What’s crazy to me is that I KNOW this!  I believe this with my whole heart!  I know from years of working in a children’s hospital that we should never ever take a single second for granted with our loved ones!

That’s why I believe with every beat of my heart so deeply that real is better than perfect because this “real”, our real moments… you just never know how many of them we will get!  And those moments… they are often the most cherished and the most often missed.

I sat last night thinking of how truly blessed I am!  Sometimes it’s easy for me especially to get caught up in all the hustle and the bustle and especially the stress ya’ll!  Oh the stress!

I am an anxious person and I am easily stressed!  I worry so much about things that I don’t need to!  I have soo much to be thankful for and so many opportunities to play and be silly and surround myself right now with so much magic!

In the movie the other mom who is reading this blog has also gotten lost in the needs and the wants of the “things!”  She has been working so hard to provide for her family that she has actually almost lost her family!  Her children and growing up in front of her eyes and she is soo busy making a living that she doesn’t even know her own children.

But the great news is that we can always find our way back to that playful magic and that appreciation!

We all get caught up!  This world is soo absolutely crazy these days and it takes a little bit of crazy ourselves and hustle and bustle in order to provide for our families and give them what they need.

But sometimes… we just need to take a moment/step back and really take a look at all that we DO have!  We need to cherish every single second and make the most of it!

This may sound silly and it may sound like a bunch of rambling but I tell you… you watch that movie and you will feel what I feel!

I now know that 365 project is more important to me more than ever!  It’s hard to remember to actually pick up that camera and find something to document for the day, but darn it, it needs to be done!

I want to capture as much of Linc as I can!

Tell me… how do you feel?!

brooke tucker photography blog



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