Yearly Archives: 2015

Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker

I have been so incredibly blessed to have been a part of this families journey since Lauren and Nick first came together for engagement photos!  Nick and Lauren are the perfect pair!  She is bubbly and care free and he is strong and solid with a hint of adventure!  When they are together… it’s magic!   He looks at her like no one else matters and she can make him laugh in a way that no one on this earth could ever possibly begin to hope!

A year ago, they welcomed the best miracle into their lives and Brody has brought them closer than ever!  He is the BEST of both of them and once you meet this little guy.. your heart is his forever!  Brody captures you and that’s just it… you’re a goner!  His eyes sparkle just like Lauren’s and when he smiles and laughs… oh man it’s pure adorable sweetness!

Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker

I was so excited when Lauren and Nick called me about his cake smash!  We decided on an outdoor evening smash so we could capture all the light and love in Brody’s blue eyes!

We did have some balloons…. but they escaped us while we were laughing at adorable little man explore and love on the camera!  He is such a little ham and he for sure knows how to work the lens!!!  We hardly noticed when the balloons started to take flight!  Whoops…

I had so many favorites from our evening that it is just so hard to narrow them down!  Brody LOVED his cake and had no problem diving right in!  This was his first sugar experience and from the way he wasted no time… I think we have a chocolate lover on our hands!!

Here are some of my most favorite from our time together!!!

Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker Virginia Beach Cake Smash Photographer Brooke Tucker

Thank you so much Lauren and Nick for letting me a part of such a fun and amazing milestone!!!!  I am truly honored!!


Hi everyone~!  I first have to apologize for my absence around here!  Monday’s are usually reserved for our weekend re-caps whether they be adventurous, fun, silly or boring… I love to share how our family spent the weekend because it feels like an actual real conversation!

Today… this monday right here, will probably be the re-caps of all re-caps as I try my best to honestly and openly (and slightly within appropriate non TMI boundaries hahah) explain why we have been hunkering down here in our house!

I took a little hiatus, if you will, so that I could refocus.. or at least that’s what I’m telling myself!  I needed some time, we all needed some time, to understand and adjust to Tuck’s new job and his crazy schedule or lack there of~

It’s been a HUGE transition for us and some of our days over here have been cloudy and rough.  Other days we have been in true survival mode just trying to get from one day to the other as we learn each other in this new “structure”.

If I’m going to be completely honest though… most of it has been ME doing what I always do…  refuse the change if it’s somewhat scary!

I am a planner friends!  I LOVE schedules and plans and calendars!  I love to highlight things and go over the plans and make more plans FOR those plans!  So when something happens to disrupt what I have in my mind is our “plan” or “schedule”… I FREAK OUT!

I know I’m not alone here!  Sometimes though, doesn’t it just feel like it?!

Tuck’s new schedule isn’t quite what we planned for when we both excitedly jumped on this new opportunity!  It’s more time away from the family than we would like right now and for me… someone that is HUGE into family and spending time together.. this small adjustment FLIPPED ME THE F*** OUT (excuse my language!  haha)

We’ve done deployments over here and we’ve done travel, but you know how it goes friends:  your mind and heart is set on something and then when that changes sometimes we just PUSH BACK… and that’s what I’ve been doing!

I’m not the only one over here… the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and our little man has a personality that is exactly like me~!

So I’ve been away for a while just “being a mom” which is honestly the most important job in the world!

I realized recently (just this past week in fact) that once I let go of all the things that I felt like “I should be…”  or that “I needed to be doing…”  to keep up in this crazy race of all my many worlds (photography, les mills, small business owner, mom, wife, etc) and started to just actually ENJOY the seconds as they ticked by with some grace and forgiveness… adjustment and acceptance just began to happen!

I am constantly learning new things about myself all the time but over the past two years the biggest things I’ve learned about myself is that I have a tendency to knee jerk react and it takes me a few weeks to come down and let go of whatever control I thought that I might have.  I also learned that I hold some pretty high expectations for myself and sometimes the juggling of all my amazing roles that I am blessed to have combined with the pressure and expectation I put on myself can just be overwhelming.  I am learning that I need to practice some patience with myself and learn that some days it’s OK to just let go, give in, take a break and BREATHE!

Real is Better Than Perfect is something that means more to me than just my business mantra and more than just words typed on the screen or printed on a page.  It’s the breath I take in and the exhale I let out constantly reminding MYSELF that I don’t have to do it all or be “it” all.  That each day is perfect for what it is whether we do something amazing or we just breathe in the seconds with our little ones hunkered down!

This past weekend, the three of us spent time together as a family and we spent as much time together packing in FUN!  Fun doesn’t mean that we had crazy adventures and lived wildly and boldly.  Fun for us meant that we laughed together, had many tickle fights, watched many duck dives from Linc and splashed away at our hearts desire!  We ate pizza and went to target JUST for the walk around and the pretzel and coke!

I have also learned that I need a few things for my heart and my soul and my sanity!

  • Time to myself!  This is hard to come by when it’s you and your three year old.  The bathroom isn’t even a sacred space so time alone is a hefty request!  I used to feel selfish for needing this and honestly I still do!  I also know that if I don’t carve some time out for myself to just “be” or decompress then my patience is the first thing to go!  Luckily teaching Body Flow has been a saving grace for me.  A girlfriend of mine made a joke to her kids one day that they needed to go find a place to chill or “namaste out”.  This is exactly what I get to do when I teach Body Flow.  My class isn’t my own… it’s not FOR me, it’s for my participants and for my members but when we get to the relaxation and meditation portion that is my chance to “namaste out” folks!  And I adore that time I get to teach, connect and be with other people!
  • MUSIC:  Music is something that I have always connected with deeply.  As a former dancer music and movement lives in you and it never goes away!  I forgot how meaningful background music can be.  I lost that somehow when I had Linc which is CRAZY because this kid loves to move and dance!    Every Monday morning I have the same routine that helps me out of my morning monday “funk”.  I play the music as loudly as possible once I am alone in the house and I clean.  I know it sounds mundane and boring… but what you don’t realize is that the music fills me up and I find myself (former ballerina and all) jumping and dancing all over the house just moving and getting lost!  It’s such a simple thing but it makes such a huge difference!
  • To keep my camera up and clicking!  Sometimes it’s easy for me to say photography is the one thing that I can put on hold right now for my family, but I know when I do that I lose my space to create something.  That need to create something I truly believe is in all of us and we can’t just shut that down.  I always have to remember that whether I’m documenting moments for my clients or for my own family… I have to keep myself behind that lens!

I know and embrace that I AM the mad hatter in this house and sometimes I feel like the hatter at Alice’s tea party with all the tea cups trying to keep them all from smashing as others sing and dance and parade around me.  I worry about everything and anything and I’m always trying to pick up everyone’s pieces and put them back together fitting ever so perfectly!  This used to bother me before even though I would make a joke about it and laugh it off.  Now I realize that the Mad Hatter is truly someone I can relate to and actually love to be.  In this crazy Alice in Wonderland world that I live in… I need to be a fun slightly crazy/mad character in order to keep up with it all and if I can do it singing and dancing…. all the better!

Here are a few pictures from our weekend together!


It’s Monday Ya’ll and I hope you guys had a great weekend!

I really do love the weekends but as much as I would love to go into a fun account of what we did and what we learned (mom style) I spent most of it down for the count!

This was great for the boys because they bonded and spent some super rough and tumble big guy bonding time.  I think there were even plans to camp out in the back yard one night (that was put on hold thanks to some crazy thunder and rain storms) but that led into sword fights and roman knight battles with dress up and dragon slaying and the whole nine yards!

Stuff of a three year old (and grown man boys) dreams!

Ever since I was little when I would get too busy or run myself into the ground without taking the time to take care of myself… I would get sick! The same holds true for myself now as an adult!

Lately, I’ve been working really hard as a momma and a small business owner!  I’ve been staying up late and getting up early to make sure I can meet all the demands of every role I have!  I haven’t been eating the healthiest of meals or drinking nearly enough water (something that as a chronic migraine patient I know I need to do).

So, it’s no surprise to me that over the weekend… my body came at me like a WWF wrestler and put me out of commission!

I landed with a hemiplegic migraine which is typical for me and I’ve had them since I was a very little girl and also something new for me!  This past month I’ve been suffering from TMJ and my jaw has been locking up.

These are things that as a mom… just crush you!  There is nothing worse than having to lay down and force yourself to take a time out when your family is out enjoying the day and laughing and spending good quality time together!  It’s devastating.

But there is no other better way to learn that lesson of “better start taking better care of yourself so you can take the best care of your family” then to have to spend that time out because you didn’t listen to your body in the first place~

So that’s a goal of mine for these next few months!

It’s not enough to find balance just within the work/family life!  You have to find balance within yourself too!  You have to be able to give yourself some grace and time so you don’t over work yourself and end up missing out on the important things because you failed to listen to your body and your own health!

Sooo… just for today, I’m taking the day off!

I don’t do that very often… just take a day off and rest!

As mom’s that never happens!  We say we will and we have the house to ourselves (which is rare).  We intend to just take a nap or allow ourselves the freedom to just take care of ourselves for a moment but that nesting bug that never goes away when the baby is actually born, somehow that kicks back in when we are alone!  We see those dishes and we feel the need to clean.  We can’t just sit down, so we get 7 loads of laundry done while we have the time by ourselves!

We decide to deep clean the house because the house is quiet and that silence is too weird!

BUT… today I am promising myself that I will do nothing more than take some ibuprofin for this jaw of mine and I will rest!  If anything.. I might get my laundry done and maybe visit with my chiropractor, but until it is time for me to pick up my handsome little man… I will rest!

Because it is what I need~!

What is your body telling you that you need today?!