Virginia Beach, VA Natural Light Family, Birth & Maternity Photographer
I'm Brooke! I'm a crazy salt lover, loud laughing goof and beach lover! I'm a wife, a mother to a spunky little man, and a camera artist! I'm a lover of light and muddy or sandy toes who always finds my family barefoot!
We JUST moved BACK to our hometown of VIRGINIA BEACH and I'm beyond excited to dip my toes back into the ocean right in our backyard!
Every day I am amazed at how the small moments in life; the ones in between the here and there take my breath away. I believe that REAL IS BETTER THAN PERFECT and that motherhood should be celebrated!
I believe that each second: tantrums and tears, belly laughs and smiles.. they all hold the power of our legacy! The lovely moments that are often left out of the family portrait are those that are cherished the most: the baking days, the family dinner, the nights we stay up with our sick babes! They all contain the truest beauty of unconditional love!
Take a moment, if you have a few, and step inside the moments and the stories of my life and the lives of my brave and amazing clients.
If you want to keep up with our chaotic and messy adventures... check in with us on instagram @kbrooketucker
You'll find a mama living a real and authentic adventure with a wild and crazy boy!
Our little man turned 3 last week and so I’ve been soaking in the whole threenager love if you will and rather than post all the stuff I had already pre-blogged and planned… I actually decided to just take a break from social media and enjoy the week with our family!
I think we all need to do that from time to time right?! Just shut down and turn off! It wasn’t that long ago when you really think about that the internet was dial up and we didn’t have cell phones that had the capability to send text messages! We did have instagram, facebook or any of these amazing apps and social connections that trust me… I love so much!
But when you think about it… life was a LOT easier! When we left the house to play or visit friends or heck even run errands… we were OUT! No one could really get a hold of us and our attention was 100% percent on those that we were with!
In my house during dinner, we actually took our phone off the hook and our dinner was a series of good connecting conversations: how was your day, how did that test go, who did you play with today? Sometimes we would turn on Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy and play along and of course, my mom always schooled us on the wheel of fortune puzzles!
I try to keep up the family dinners at our house, or at least 5-10 minutes of good solid questions and conversation with our little toddler/adult! This world is so fast paced these days that it is hard to keep up!
This last week though, I think our little family did a great job though and not worrying about being “connected” into social media as much as sometimes we need to be, it was refreshing~
I think we should all take these little breaks every now and again! Just as a reset!
For Linc’s actual birthday Tuck and I decided to try something new and take our little spiderman/hulk lover who is a crazy acrobatic on any given day to the Rock Gym! We thought that just maybe given him a real positive outlet for his ace climbing skills could prove really good for our house… yea nice thought huh!
It took him a few minutes to warm up to the idea because it was the real deal climbing! There were no “kid walls”! It was just climb or hang and so he watched mommy and daddy climb for a few minutes and then he decided to join in on the fun! Once he realized all he needed was a little bit of assistance and off he could go… spiderman he became!
Here are a few pictures from our adventure!
Hope everyone had a fantastic week and weekend!!!
Lots of gorgeous sessions to show you this week… a motherhood journal session, some gorgeous new babies that had birthday’s this week and a lifestyle session to die for!!!
I’m so excited to introduce you all to these wonderful beauties!!!
Hope everyone had a very happy and very SAFE Independence Day Weekend!
This weekend re0cap is going to be pretty short and sweet because we made it a point as a family to stay disconnected from all things social media and really all things related to anything that wasn’t big time just family!
I actually feel pretty guilty because I didn’t even pick up my camera for our family (which means I’m already slacking on my 365 of us project!) MOMFAIL!
We spent the weekend in the pool having pretty epic squirt gun fights and then crashing hard on the couch after! Linc hasn’t seen a nap since he turned 2 so the sleeping on the couch during the daylight hours was AMAZING! It also really made my little mom day that I was able to snuggle up with him and watch a movie to the sound of little boy snores!
We grilled, we ate homemade coleslaw and lots and lots of bacon!
We slept in some… we had our bed taken over in the middle of the night by a crazy toddler and a snuggly pitbull and we even picked out some new paint for our house!
All in all we had a really great weekend minus a few storms here and there!
Tuck is home from work and has been all last week and bonus (cross your fingers) this week too! This week is Linc’s birthday… it’s actually tomorrow (sappy mom heart warning!) so we have some pretty big things planned!
Tonight Tuck and I have some traditions that we started for just us, since my water broke on July 6! Did you know that only a small percentage of women actually experience their water breaking (I think it’s only like 10 %) and even MORE rare that it will break in public! I think that number is like .2%. Guess what… I was THAT person, not even kidding! I was even early too so let’s not even talk about how the odds were NOT ever in my favor there Katniss! Or were they depending if you are talking to a very pregnant woman!
But since we were sitting at Tida Thai this very night 3 years ago, Aaron and I made a tradition out of ordering take out and eating our FULL meal that we never got to finish! It’s a sweet little tradition that seriously, ever since that night has been one of the toughest things we’ve tried to do and complicated with deployments and jobs and trips but somehow we seem to be able to make it work! And that makes it all the sweeter!
So.. this week I might not be around all that much since we will be celebrating a very special 3 year old! I do have some pretty great blogs already scheduled including a letter to the birthday boy himself tomorrow, a peek at an anniversary session Tuck and I did just for US and what that truly meant in terms of family and marriage, as well as a motherhood journal session~!
So stay tuned and keep checking back! I think it’s going to be a good week!
Until then.. here’s a sneak peek from our Anniversary Session from Elizabeth Friske Photography … This is totally us being us… me making a silly face, Tuck trying not to be too exasperated or wipe his sweat on me! It’s how we work and believe me… it’s kind of a magical thing! It make us laugh and there’s a whole post about how why it works so well!
There’s a commercial that I love that was created by Similac… it’s kind of amazing ya’ll! It really speaks to the heart of my hearts when it comes to this motherhood thing!
It begins in a park where all these different “types” of mother’s come together! I won’t explain it because I’m going to post it at the end and I just won’t do it justice!
Basically in the video, they do what us mom’s always seem to end up doing… one upping each other! Because let’s face it, somehow along the way this motherhood deal became a contest for the “perfect mom!” and Dad’s.. hate to say this but you guys are in this too!
WHY! Why friends did we do this to ourselves?! Motherhood is hard enough because we have to make these crucial and tough decisions on a daily basis that could effect the future for our family! That’s enough in itself, shouldn’t we be able to call up another mother and say woah… I need someone to back me up on this or at least support me and say ok you’re doing fine here, take a breather!
There is no one other than another mother that can understand exactly what we are going through or how we are feeling or walk in our shoes! No one will be able to write a book that will come close, because our families are unique and our children… well they aren’t text books! Mother’s are the only ones that can come to close to understanding other mother’s! So it just makes sense that we would create an amazing community around ourselves to be a lifeline for one another, a cheerleader for one another and a hand to hold!
Instead, we do exactly what these mom groups on this video do. We make it even harder for ourselves because we enter this race for the best and the most perfect, and we challenge each other on a daily basis!
The video puts a funny spin on it and it makes me laugh! These moms (and dads) take it to the extreme (but almost not really) and I find myself shaking my head and saying little HOLLA’s and AMEN”S!!!
I laugh when they decide to “bring it” and “nipple up” and then when the stroller goes down.. I suck in my breath!
These moms and dads come running together to go after this baby and then something amazing happens. They all come together and drop their stigmas and their “perfection platforms” and just begin to let their guard down.
As similac puts it “no matter what our beliefs are, we are all parents first!”
I LOVE that! And that’s what I believe for this Real is Better than Perfect!
I believe this real-ness comes from understanding that even though we so badly want to be the perfect mother and parent for our kids, deep down we know that it just doesn’t exist!
For me.. that real-ness came from not only accepting that I wasn’t going to be the perfect mother but actually loving that idea!
I don’t WANT to be a perfect mother and I don’t want Linc to grow up believing that I was! I don’t want him to feel like when he’s a parent he has to go on carrying this idea of perfect parent!
I want him to grow up with this real-ness so he can truly see that there is so much beauty just being who he is and being honest about it!
I think for us mom’s Real-ness comes in baby steps!
It starts with believing that our stories as a mom (becoming a mom and our every day moments as a mom) are worth being heard by other mom’s! That they don’t have to be these incredibly impactful and heart breaking stories! They just have to be our own and we just have to be willing to share them honestly and openly!
I think it starts with not being afraid to say THIS is what works for my family and while it may not have worked for yours, it does work for mine and I stand behind my choice 100 percent even though it may not be the “in” choice right now!
(Hey… our family wasn’t able to breast feed and it was a painful choice that we had to make after 2 months of desperately trying and pumping and fear of judgement and loss of friends).
I think it also starts with sharing your life… your REAL life with your friends and family through your online presence!
You know what.. it’s OK if you don’t have the perfect little one all the time! Guess what… children are children.. they aren’t perfect! They are learning and we are learning and growing as parents right along with them!
I have found that when I get together with another mom and finally let it out that, HEY… last night Linc was like a toddler from American Psycho when I tried to take him out of the bath and what IS this right now?! That finally it’s like other parents are coming out of the shadows and agreeing with me saying… oh girl, it’s the THREE’s. No one tells you about the three’s! They say terrible two’s all the time but it’s the THREE’S!!!
And guess what.. I feel soo much relief! I feel like it’s a breath of fresh air!
We can talk about this and it’s like a salve on the wound that we can actually laugh and tell stories that maybe weren’t quite funny in the moment, but now… woah they are so hysterical!
THIS is how we begin to be real with one another and how we create a beautiful community of togetherness!
THIS… is what real is better than perfect is all about~
Let’s come together and laugh together! Let’s share our story and cry together but I promise you, we may start off crying but we will probably end up laughing (and maybe even crying some more).
Let me share my gift of photography with you and actually SHOW YOU in images just how beautiful life can be when you do let your guard down and take of this filter of perfect and show me the true you that isn’t polished!
I’m telling you… it’s beautiful when its messy and in the middle of the chaos!
I would guess that there are still some people in that video that might have had a thing or two to say about that mom who let her baby roll away…
but my hope is that maybe, just maybe, we could all come together like all the parents in this video did and just be happy that cute little girl was safe and sound and had one adventurous little ride!!