Yearly Archives: 2015


There is something that happens when you decide to let go and specialize!  Something freeing and something beautiful that takes place when you finally tell the world “Hi, this is me and this is what I love!”

I spoke a little bit about this in my post Jack of all trades master of none..

This past year I decided to really let go of all fear!  I decided to push it aside and let the world know that I was a Children and Family Lifestyle Photographer!

It was amazing and it was freeing… but as much as I thought I did it with a full heart, there were some things I wish I had known and realized right at that second!  Some revelations that took me almost another full year to recognize!

My journey to find these little revelations was something I cherish!  It’s a journey that I’m still walking and will always walk!  It’s a process… but it’s one I want to share with all of you, especially if you are like me:  a photographer who has an area that you adore that’s a very special niche!

You don’t even have to be a photographer really, you can be a creative or a small business owner that just loves a part of the industry that is extremely specialized or boutique.

Something happens when you decide to specialize that just changes you!  At first it starts small but it’s liberating!  You start to hone in on that one special part of your field or business and everything else falls away!

There is less stress involved and you can find a certain type of balance!  I found that right away!  I found it after creative at heart and I reveled in it!  I knew what needed to be done and I pursued it immediately!  I was excited and I was ready to tackle my area like no one had before but then time passes by and catches up with you.

This.. this is where I wish I had known what I know now and so here is where I pass on some of my journey with you!  Here are 5 little tips I wish I had known that I learned from Creative at Heart and also just from this year that have helped me so much!

1.  KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN!  It’s so easy to go back to old ways and get pulled back in to the BIG industry where you originally started!  For me this was photography as a whole and the biggest draw for portrait photography was weddings!  If you look at pinterest the biggest pins and inspiration boards are weddings!  The majority of blogs for photographers are wedding blogs!  The educators in our field for other photographers who are OUT there and who are promoting community over competition, most of them are wedding photographers!  They are fantastic photographers and more importantly they are incredibly amazing and inspirational individuals who pour their hearts into other photographers! At the end of the day though, they are wedding photographers and so it makes sense that coming to the community means coming back into the world of wedding photography and inspiration.  The only downside for me is that weddings and thinking about wedding photography stresses me out!  It’s not that it hinders my ability as a children and family lifestyle photographer at all, it’s quite the opposite… it just puts me in a place that challenges the way I want to run my business.  For any other photographer, this might not effect them in a negative way, it could easily help them!  For me personally though, being drawn into that world actually makes me feel a sense of pressure in my business that creates in-balance!  I know who I am and I am a perfectionist!  I want to make sure that I am doing everything “right”.  I want to make sure my education is on par and my skills are in line with where the industry is going.  This is the difference… what is “right” for one area of photography might not be “right” for another.  And even more so, what is “right” for one photographer might not be “right” for another!  I have to keep my head down and focus on what I am doing and what inspires me and how to best serve my clients!  Only then can I be the best photographer for them!

2.  FOCUS ON THE CLIENTS AND THEIR EXPERIENCE:  After attending creative at heart I learned something that changed the way I feel about business and about the way I live my life!  It’s not all about us!  It should NEVER be about us… ever!  When it is about us, we’ve failed!  Almost every person at creative at heart who spoke made it a point to ensure that that idea hit home in our hearts!  It’s about serving our clients!  I don’t want to do this job for me!  I don’t love this job because I’m taking pretty images.  I mean yes it’s a bonus and I get so excited when I come home and look at the images!  It’s like Christmas morning to me and I can’t wait to wrap these images up and send them over to you!  It’s like a secret that I just can’t keep!  I realize that the reason I love photography so incredibly much is because I understand the value of what these images hold!  I understand that when your child stops playing and decides in that brief second of a moment to reach up with tiny hands and grab your face and plant a sloppy, muddy, messy kiss on your lips… well it’s the absolute world!  Sometimes those moments don’t come often enough and to have one captured in a photograph that you can hold anytime you want… priceless doesn’t seem to cover it!

When we forget about that… that’s when we as photographers start to feel stressed, out of balance, lost and at war with ourselves!  That’s when we begin to feel competitive and upset and all these other negative feelings!  SERVING other’s will always bring joy.  LOVING our clients and realizing that life is always going to be about the love we can share, that’s when we know we are doing something right!

3.  MISSION, VISION & VALUES:  These are what help me remember WHY I am doing what I am doing and for WHO I am doing it!  On the days that I am struggling because I have gotten caught up in the battle of self vs. serving my three V’s remind me why I love what I do!   For the days when the balance of life as a mom and as a photographer and as a wife and a human being just isn’t working for me I sit down and I read a script that I have printed out next to my computer of my mission and my vision because it helps me pull my focus back in!  Having a mission statement and a vision for my business keeps me grounded and rooted to what is important!  Those three things help guide me through the days when I need help with tasks that might not be as fun as shooting on location or being with a real person!  These help remind me that what I am doing is serving a higher purpose and it does matter!  It means something!

4.  BUILDING A COMMUNITY!   I don’t need a big community, just a few people to help keep me accountable!  Friends, Family Colleagues, Clients, and True Believers that will help me to remember those key points above!  We all need encouragers and also those who will lovingly guide us and correct us on this path!  People who will tell us when we step out of line and push us to grow to our truest potential!  We also need people that we can continue to serve in the same way!  It’s a give and give alike mentality!  We aren’t meant to do anything on our own!  We are always meant to have help and to be of help!

5.  STAY TRUE BUT LEARN!  Stay true to your gut but continue to learn and grow!  Pursue education like wildfire but understand when it’s time to stick to what you feel is right!  There is a time to say this is where the trends are going and these are the rules, but also this is where I can push the boundaries and break them!  YOU HAVE DECIDED TO SPECIALIZE SO GO FOR IT!  BREAK BARRIERS AND BE BOLD!  This is the time to soar and keeping all those other great tips in mind reach above and beyond the imagination!  Just make sure your heart is in the right place!

My goal for the rest of the season is to start breaking out of the box and serving my clients in a way that they never expected!  I want them to reach into the depths of their imaginations and together I want to create something unheard of for Children and Families!  I don’t know what that is yet because I don’t want it to come from me… I want it to come from them!

I feel like I will always be learning as I go and that’s the way it should be!  I don’t ever want to stop learning!  These are just a few of the things I’ve learned since I decided to step out into an area that has a smaller population than I’m used to!  It’s an exciting time to go from saying I am a photographer (of all things) to I am photographer specializing in Children and Families and Lifestyle!

It’s exciting and it’s fun and if you are wanting to narrow down your field, don’t let fear get in your way!  These 5 tips helped me keep my footing and provided me with a sense of peace!  I hope they help you!!!

Here’s wishing you the best!



Is it just me or did this weekend feel like it just passed us by in the blink of an eye?!  I mean I am having a hard time right now with my weeks running and melting into my weekends so that I’m never really quit sure what is happening!  It’s very sad and it’s almost disheartening but at the same time, I really appreciate all my days and moments right now so I’m not complaining!

We have been super busy and with Tuck’s new job I think that’s making the day mix up happen even more but we have loved having him actually BE home when he’s home!

If you live here in Virginia Beach with us… can we just talk about this incredible heat we’ve had!  I am all for the summer, I love the heat and I love being outside in the heat!  Heck… I am a girl that will wear a hoodie or a long sleeve in the 90 degree weather with my shorts because I am always cold, but this year?!  Virginia Beach has been HOT lately, like real hot ya’ll!  The humidity has also been fierce and so as much as I love the heat, I’ve been spending small amounts of time outside as possible!

It’s like a tease, you want to go outside and enjoy the beautiful sunshine but as soon as you step outside all you want to do is step right back inside!

Even on photo sessions it’s the same way!  The sun has been setting late and our sessions don’t even begin until 7:30 pm but it’s still HOT to trot out folks and the humidity is pressing down on us!  The beach is gorgeous but I feel like all I want to do is take my clients down to the water so we can catch that nice salty breeze that comes off the ocean and dip our toes in for relief!  (If you’ve been following on the news though, all of us are a bit preoccupied with where our precious piggie toes are in that water… it’s shark city lately and I’ve never in my life heard of so many down here!)

I’ve never been one to worry about sharks!  I’ve always hopped on my surf board and gone right out into the water!  I’ve known they are out there and heck I’ve even been bumped by them a time or two!  They’ve just never bothered me (uneless its shark week on TV, then I abandon the ocean for a good solid three weeks and stay in the pool).  Right now though, it’s seems like a crazy unnatural obsession these past two weeks with sightings and talk around the area!  I think we’ll stick to our pool!

Sooo.. full circle here, that’s what we’ve been doing this weekend!  With all this heat and talk of sharks, our little family has been swimming like fish in our backyard!  We head out early in the morning and come in around lunch time in hopes of seeking naps (which I will be honest we haven’t seen since Linc turned two) and quiet snack time!

That’s how we celebrated our Father’s day too!  Tuck just wanted a quiet day filled with Linc and Linc is obsessed with his new “underneath” addiction!  He has found the ways of swimming with his head and body underneath the water and he “can’t stop, won’t stop”!  He is absolutely obsessed!  He dreams about it and talks about it non stop!  We have to force him to take a break from it otherwise we fear he will sink!

Watching my two boys this weekend and taking the day “off” yesterday feeling like I was feeling (with my days all mix matched and jumbled around) helped me to process a few things, especially as a Mom and one that really feels and believes that perfect is such a myth!

  • Days like these are so precious and to be sought after more, especially while Linc is soo young!  Linc won’t remember  days like these, he’s too young!  It’s up to ME to help him “remember” by tangibly giving him these memories!  I absolutely need to break out our video camera more and record these amazing accomplishments he takes on and tackles!  I absolutely need to break out my big professional camera for US and not just for my clients or when I can kind of sort of remember to for my own family!  My family needs to come first as well and that big camera with those nice and expensive lenses should be always in my hand for my own family capturing our memories and Linc because these are the days he won’t remember because he’s too little!  We will have theses memories but I want him to be able to SEE these moments as well as hear the stories too!
  • Realizing and recognizing that the less time I spend with my family and especially Linc (and I don’t just mean time, I mean quality time) the less patience I have a momma!  This is soo hard for me to admit!  I think we feel bad a mom’s when we say I lack in the patience department and I lose my patience sometimes with my kids.  Guess what… I’m human and we are all human!  I notice that when I don’t spend QUALITY time with Linc, I start to lose my patience with him more and often over the dumbest stuff.  I love being a photographer and I absolutely love my clients!  I hate to even say clients because zero of my clients are actually clients after the first few minutes, they all becomes friends and most of them are close ones now!  BUT as much as I love going out on sessions and spending time with them, I noticed yesterday that I NEED and crave the balance of spending quality time with Linc!  If I don’t have that, I start to lose my patience with him and I start sucking at being the mom I want to be for him!  This is where good scheduling comes in to play for our family!  There actually is a balance I need to have between the number of sessions I SHOULD be taking for my business and the number I realized I CAN and realistically can take in order for me to provide the best care and service to both my clients and my family!
  • One on One time with Tuck:  Now that he is traveling more and I am working more,  the two of us understand the need to reconnect in smaller ways!  Both of us spend a lot of time making sure that we connect in special ways with Linc!  We make sure we have quality time with him and that we each have our own special mommy moments and own special daddy traditions with him and it’s really cool~  We also recognized that after 5 years of marriage, we need to really carve out time for the two of us to connect one on one without Linc and without bonding over work!  We did this last night by spending father’s day on a date night!  It was totally impromptu and we did something Tuck wouldn’t normally ever want to do but in the end it was a lot of fun!  (Hint… more to come about that later!)  We’ve been trying to introduce a few little things that just make it easier for us to connect and solidify our marriage!  These are silly things but believe it or not, it really does make a big difference!

Anyway… our weekend was a fast one but it was a great one!  I had many sessions sprinkled in from the week and all weekend so there will be lots of pretty images to share this week!

Until then.. here’s our amazing little fish!  These are now “short distance swims” as we call them!  He truly blows me away!  He will be turning 3 next week.. WHAT?!  What happened to my little wrinkly man that was a little glow worm needing a billi blanket?!

Now he’s holding his breath and swimming the length of our shallow end!!!  We are pretty impressed with our little fish and all I can think of when I see his little toosh bob up and down in the water is Dori singing… ” just keep swimming…”






The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Phtoography

Christina is a mother of three!  She is a wife, a friend, a Christian, a leader and a sister!  She is a gorgeous woman inside and out!  She is a blogger (check her out over at caffeine and three) and she and her husband are working to create a pretty powerful business team in the real estate market!

She is many incredible things and she has many incredible roles!  She takes on many important roles in the lives of those around her and she is loved by many!  Most importantly though to her, she is a mother!  She is a REAL Mother!  She is someone who lays it all out there every single day just like all of us!  She has some of the most fantastic moments and some of the most amazing moments she could never even dream!  She also has some of the most trying moments and some where she might lose her patience.  She has moments where she needs a moment to just be human… and paint her toe nails just to make herself feel like she is a woman and not JUST a mom somedays!  (We all have those!)  And she has moments where there is absolutely nothing else she would rather do than pick up her eldest son from school and scream at the top of her lungs in front of everyone and anyone like a mad woman… “WOOHOO LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!”  because that’s what you do when you are one seriously rad boy mom!

This is Christina’s Story… in her own words (and a little of mine mixed in).  She is the first of this series and for that I am eternally grateful!

The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Phtoography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Phtoography


CHRISTINA’S STORY (written by her)

I remember when she messaged me, “Hey I’d love to get your thoughts on a vision I have about Motherhood shown through black and white images. I don’t want it staged,I want the real stuff.”

A woman who wants to see the raw and vulnerable side of motherhood? Someone who is asking to come to my home and capture moments of Life happening just as they always do? A mother herself,that wants to share these moments, both good and bad with others? This was a woman after my own heart.

We exchanged numbers and started discussing her ideas immediately. There was something so “easy and carefree” about her. It was as if we had known each other forever. Just two girls chatting about life. While listening to her vision for this project “The Motherhood Journals” which she calls it, I began to cry. It truly takes a mother to understand other mothers.

As I laid on the nursery floor laughing and crying with Brooke over the phone about the ups and downs of raising children,I knew in my heart, this project was something I HAD TO BE A PART OF!

After busy nights and a few revised scheduling mishaps, I was  FINALLY able to have her come over.

“When you think of Motherhood what image comes to mind for you? Something you do with your kids that has become what you enjoy?”  she had originally asked me

Without hesitation I knew I wanted her to capture my life at dinner time!

A woman who wants to see the raw and vulnerable side of motherhood? Someone who is asking to come to my home and capture moments of Life happening just as they always do? A mother herself,that wants to share these moments, both good and bad with others? This was a woman after my own heart. We exchanged numbers and started discussing her ideas immediately. There was something so “easy and carefree” about her. It was as if we had known each other forever. Just two girls chatting about life. While listening to her vision for this project “The Motherhood Journals” which she calls it, I began to cry. It truly takes a mother to understand other mothers. As I laid on the nursery floor laughing and crying with Brooke over the phone about the ups and downs of raising children,I knew in my heart, this project was something I HAD TO BE A PART OF! After busy nights and a few revised scheduling mishaps, I was FINALLY able to have her come over. “When you think of Motherhood what image comes to mind for you? Something you do with your kids that has become what you enjoy?” she had originally asked me Without hesitation I knew I wanted her to capture my life at dinner time! A woman who wants to see the raw and vulnerable side of motherhood? Someone who is asking to come to my home and capture moments of Life happening just as they always do? A mother herself,that wants to share these moments, both good and bad with others? This was a woman after my own heart. We exchanged numbers and started discussing her ideas immediately. There was something so “easy and carefree” about her. It was as if we had known each other forever. Just two girls chatting about life. While listening to her vision for this project “The Motherhood Journals” which she calls it, I began to cry. It truly takes a mother to understand other mothers. As I laid on the nursery floor laughing and crying with Brooke over the phone about the ups and downs of raising children,I knew in my heart, this project was something I HAD TO BE A PART OF! After busy nights and a few revised scheduling mishaps, I was FINALLY able to have her come over. “When you think of Motherhood what image comes to mind for you? Something you do with your kids that has become what you enjoy?” she had originally asked me Without hesitation I knew I wanted her to capture my life at dinner time!

Some may think this is a bit strange. Why not do a playground or at the beach? A field of beautiful flowers or everyone in their Sunday best?


The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography

In my home we wear mix matched clothes and messy hair. We run back and forth to make sure the food isn’t burning (which I did burn the rice) and the kids aren’t killing each other, all while trying to prepare a meal to feed us. It is the time of night where I find peace in the actions of what I am doing.

I am making food to nourish my family and to enjoy a time of gathering and good conversation.

I do not wear a dress and cute apron. My hair is usually up in a cotton candy swirl atop my head. More than likely I have one part of the meal cooked while the other is still frozen. My kids are probably out on the trampoline raising hell. My daughter has probably got herself into the trash can at least twice unless I have fed her. It’s busy. It’s loud. It’s REAL during this time of day.

As a mother, I take pride when I set the table for my family knowing they will all gather around to enjoy its many offerings. I know that at my dinner table my kids will have a safe place to talk about life,the way it’s happening to them. We,as a family, get a chance to escape the world and come Home. Dinner isn’t just feeding our bellies, it’s feeding our hearts as well.

The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography

This session revealed so much to me that I already knew in my heart, but now actively wanted to play out in my life. Motherhood is not glamorous by any means. You trade in your wants and needs for requests and demands from others. You live life constantly wondering if what you are doing is enough. Does it all matter? Am I truly making a difference?

The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography


People ask me all the time how I manage raising three kids so effortlessly and I laugh. It is the highest compliment to know people think it looks easy.Reality is, I cry A LOT! Seriously, it’s ridiculous. My husband truly believes I have a problem. I cry because it’s overwhelming as much as it is rewarding.

I am short tempered and yell more than I like to admit. My kids are probably so well behaved because they are worried Mom might lose her shit at a moments notice. I pray everyday for God to give me patience in the trying times of Motherhood.

The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography

Mom’s you are going to lose your cool. You are going to get mad. You will yell and cry. It is 100% normal.

Sometimes I believe that the world constantly watches us under a microscope waiting to see how we raise our children. I don’t have a nanny who tends to my kids needs so I can enjoy walking the aisle of stores by myself. With this said, if my kids are hiding in clothes racks,pulling twelve boxes of cereal off a shelf, punching each other or asking me the same question a hundred times, BRACE YOURSELVES, because this Mom will probably lose it.

Reality is, we are human! What a concept folks. Mothers are people too. We are not robots. We are not immune to hurtful words or being unappreciated. We have emotions just like you and we will in fact tap into them when needed.

The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography

This is a role we are blessed to have. I don’t think any of us would ever deny that. However we don’t need to constantly sugar coat things and make it seem more beautiful than it is.


It can get mundane.It can have moments of sadness,doubt and anger. However, it can be full of belly laughs and sloppy kisses; made up worlds and slip and slide afternoons. It can be filled with peek a boos and I love you’s. It can engulf your whole heart and your entire world.

Mother’s you are a rare breed. You are extraordinary. You are the maker of life and the place your family calls home. Never underestimate the effect you have on this massive world. What you teach inside the walls of your home will create a tidal wave for the world to see.

Motherhood is Real it is not PERFECT!


The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography

** Christina and I spoke about all things Motherhood for the entire time I was at her house!  We laughed, we cried… we even laugh/cried!

As you can see from her gorgeous portraits (and gosh is she gorgeous right?! but it’s from the INSIDE/out too) that she really let her guard down with me and became really vulnerable!  THAT/THIS is what these sessions are all about!

Coming together as women and mothers and letting our true and vulnerable selves shine through so we can have those shining connections!  That one moment was a gentle pause between us where we were speaking about the choice to have more babies and to expand our families!  We were speaking about all that LOVE that floods in when you birth your babies and bring someone new into your family!

These are the moments we as mothers truly LIVE for.. these meaningful connections only we can have with one another because no one else has experienced what we have in our bodies and our hearts and our souls after we’ve experienced something like this!  And it doesn’t matter whether you have carried a baby, adopted a baby etc… a mother is a mother is a mother~!

Thank you Christina for sharing your story and your heart with me and with other women and with the world!  Thank you for inviting us into your home for a family dinner and teaching us about the meaning of family dinner to you!

When we can learn from one another like this and take away bits and pieces of hearts and souls… we can start to change the way we think about the world!

Part of OUR story now.. because once we start to meet and connect we start to generate a combined story was a bit of fun and flavor if you will!  Her oldest I think might grow up to be a photographer one day!  He absolutely has a great way of directing and fun!  I will sit for you any day my friend!

I’ll leave you with these last few images because you can’t hear her story without knowing how FUN she is too…  an instagram connection turned forever friend and sister!

Thank you Christina!  xoxox

The Motherhood Journals with Brooke Tucker Photography


To find out more about The Motherhood Journals or to get involved and share your story, send me an e mail at

We would LOVE to have you be a part of our community and change the way we think of perfection and motherhood!  Real is better than Perfect!!!