Yearly Archives: 2015

Avalon’s birth was a story that I will never forget!  Every birth is a story that you will never forget!  It’t one that truly touches your heart and soul in a way that unless you are actually present or have experienced yourself… all the  “feels” are more than in full effect!  It’s like feel overload and then more feel overload but in the best way EVER!

Avalon’s story though is one that will always stay right on top of my heart and will always probably stay at the forefront!  Maybe it’s because I have become so close with Ashley and Joe and Wavelry!  Maybe it’s because when I first met Avalon’s family, I realized I met them right when they found out they were pregnant with Avalon so really there isn’t a time that I haven’t “known” Avalon too or been anticipating her arrival!

All I know is that being there and spending the day (days) with them and their family eagerly waiting to celebrate this special little ones birthday and see the faces of her family as they were finally able to greet her and learn her name… it was powerful!

To watch the love and to feel the love that washes over the room when parents like Ashley and Joe step out of themselves and unconditionally give of themselves to welcome in another member of their family… it’s nothing short of amazing!  It’s the kind of love that is earth shattering and can move mountains!

There were so many moments and so many images that I absolutely love!  So many moments captured that move me to tears even today!  I spoke with Ashley just the other day about her gallery and we were going back and forth naming some of the images and there were some that I told her I just can’t even bring up anymore because just thinking about them and all the love that was behind just that one second captured;  it just makes my eyes well up even now thinking about it!

All this makes me realize just how incredibly lucky I am to spend time with these families and be invited into these intimate and special moments with them!  How blessed am I to be called upon to do this “job”!

There are so many favorites that I have from our first evening together where we just gathered around Ashley and Joe and laughed together eating popsicles and passing the time!  I loved watching Joe and Ashley talk through and hold hands during the more intense contracts and seeing how these incredible parents always stay connected, physically and mentally! No matter what was going on, they always connected and always made sure they had their plans intact and were updated on their oldest daughter and big sister Waverly!  Some of the most meaningful moments was when Ashely was finally able to hold Avalon and those I think will always (years from now even) bring me to tears with all their “Feels”.

Ashley and Joe were able to catch up with some down time before we all headed back to the hospital for big sister Waverly’s arrival.  I’m not sure that this could have been a bigger hit and I think we were all blown away with the love and protection that Waverly showed for Avalon within the first few seconds of seeing her!  I will always remember her complete excitement and dancing in the room at being able to hold and love on Avalon and peek at all her parts!

Here are some of my favorite images.. keep a tissue near by just in case you’re like me!  You might just need it!

Ashley was amazing!  She and Joe were an incredible team!  Joe was so calm and reassuring and Ashley was the most serene and zen mother in active labor I have ever met!

Their family came in for a visit and we were able to capture some amazing family moments!  Some funny i phone moments where we realized both Avalon and Waverly look exactly the same at birth and some hugs and kisses of joy and relief!  We were also able to let these two incredible parents relax a bit and enjoy their new baby girl alone for a while before we brought Miss Waverly by!

I’m so excited to see Miss Avalon on Friday now that she is at home and all settled in!  We have our newborn lifestyle session with the whole family including their family furry baby so check back with me next week so you can keep up with how they are all doing!  You can also check in with them over at Ashley’s blog Words About Waverly! 

If you want to see their whole journey as a family, you can check out their family images at the beach  and also you can get to know Ashley and her amazing love for styling in her guest post about how to style for a family session!  



  • June 18, 2015 - 7:12 pm

    Rosemary - I love how every photo shows the heart! You are so gifted Brooke and your subjects are blessed to have you capturing such a beautiful time in their lives. I’m so happy Aaron found such a talented loving woman to spend his life with!ReplyCancel

    • June 18, 2015 - 10:33 pm - Thank you Rosemary! I am so lucky to have Aaron who teaches me about unconditional love and support every day and I am also blessed to have such amazing clients who welcome me into their lives with such open hearts! We miss you!!!ReplyCancel

  • June 18, 2015 - 8:43 pm

    Emily Gerald - Brooke!!! these are stunning, I so love seeing a birth story on your blog, you rocked it!ReplyCancel

    • June 18, 2015 - 10:32 pm - Thanks Emily! Such a huge compliment coming from someone I admire and adore so much!!!ReplyCancel

When the idea of the Motherhood Journals started to come together, I knew I wanted it to be more than just pretty images or candid lifestyle images that made you feel something!

do absolutely want it to be about those two things so incredibly much but I also wanted the Motherhood Journals to be about bringing women and mothers together for something greater than ourselves!  I wanted it to be about community and about raising us up in a time when sometimes it feels as though every step of the way we need to continue to turn inward!

I never in a million years thought that this idea, this crazy idea that started deep within my heart would actually hit home with others!  I never thought that just with an introduction and a small blip it would spark enough interest and create a fire within someone, let alone quite a few many someones, to want to actually step in front of my camera and be a part of this!

I am truly blown away!

As I continue to grow this idea and meet and speak with everyone,  I am learning and gaining soo much more than I ever could have anticipated!

This community that I wanted to happen, this dream of women and mother’s coming together to share our stories and lift one another up… ya’ll IT IS HAPPENING already!

I’m experiencing it and it is overwhelming in a way that I could never put into words… beautifully overwhelming!

I think when you can be around so many women who positively feel the same way you do and want the same things there is just a joy that happens naturally!

I’ve been learning so much and most importantly what I have learned in just a weeks time is that there is a Grace and a Joy that fills up the space when you can get together and create a community of like minded people!  What I mean to say friends in words that could never really explain what I’m feeling is this…

  • When you start talking about the real, genuine you and start to let all those perfections go and just LET GO… REAL relationships happen!  Friendships happen that are deep and meaningful even if they are created in a space that hasn’t lasted that long!
  • REAL conversations come in and go out!  It’s the funniest thing in the world to listen to us talk, especially during the Motherhood Journal session where I am taking portraits of just my moms!  The conversations are some of the most meaningful that I’ve had in a very long time but they can span the distance of what we’re eating for dinner, potty talk to the most crucial of conversations that might include the passing away of friends and family!  All this can happen in a matter of minutes!  We can laugh and we can cry and we can do both at the same time!
  • Every one of us feels the same way at some time or another and we are never alone!  We have all had “those days” and “those moments”.  Although they may be slightly different, we have all had them!  We are all human and as mom’s we sometimes forget that small fact!  Recently, Christina and I (you will meet her soon) were laughing about how the two of us were just trying to GET to the session and I’m not talking about being physically present for the session!  The second I walked in the door the two of us were laughing and sharing our stories of how our evenings had turned crazy and we both just needed a few human moments to do just one thing for ourselves but as mom’s that’s just super hard when you know you need to prepare and either get your family ready (which was her case) or for me get ready to serve a family!  That laughter… that needs to happen more often because as silly as it is to think about laughing in the kitchen about nail polish or unwrapped goodies it just also feels good to let that guard down and say YES GIRL, YES!
  • Beauty truly does come from inside out!  Some of the most beautiful moments I have captured with my camera have everything to do with the feeling behind it!  These sessions in particular I am learning that each one of us defines beauty in such a different way!  No matter how you define it or what makes you feel beautiful on the outside when we can get together and find that grace and that joy, you can see beauty just start to shine!  I know that sounds hokey but it is the gosh darn truth friends!
  • As mom’s, most of us feel the most special in our role as mother’s!  When it’s time for me to start diving in to the family and asking these brave and amazing women about their journey as mother’s and what most about motherhood do they want to capture and hold on to.. I am finding that THIS is where everyone shines!  At the end of the day, we are all just striving to be the best we can for our little ones!  We are loving every moment we have with them and trying to appreciate every second!  It’s not the prettiest moments we love the most or the ones where we find the time to put on our best outfits and smile for the camera’s.  What I am learning (and what I feel myself as a mother) is that those moments that are so dear and so wanted in print are those moments that are our every day moments in life around our house!  The tasks we often find ourselves doing every single day that make us mom’s are the ones we value so much!

These are just a few things I’ve learned so far in my adventures with these beautiful Motherhood Journals!

Later this week you will be introduced to Christina… and she will bravely and with such an open heart invite you into her world of Motherhood!

Until then…

Here is just a sneak peek from her session!  This was just one of those beautiful in between moments that happened as we were sitting on her front steps!  There is more to come later this week so stay tuned and check back to read her full story in her own words!

I am so thankful for all these women that have opened their hearts and stories so far!  I hope you know that you are teaching, loving and guiding with every word and every image you allow me to share!

You all are truly amazing and I am forever thankful!


*To find out more information about the Motherhood Journals or to be a part of the adventure with me and help raise up a community , send an e mail to!


WHEW ya’ll… Happy Monady!  I have to say I’m actually glad it’s here!  This weekend was a crazy crazy busy one for us!  The kind where you think back and you wonder gosh we are all so exhausted but what actually did we all do?!

Did we do anything… did we do anything special or out of the ordinary to make us all this tired!?

We did nothing out of the ordinary and in fact we just played and swam like we usually do every weekend!  Tuck came home from traveling and his first week with his new job!  Linc was especially excited to see him on Friday since we waited all week!  Tuck comes in and out but he hasn’t been gone any consecutive days since he did that long deployment so I think Linc worried about whether it was going to be for the same amount of time again!

Luckily.. he was home to pick him up from school on Friday!

I ran around like a mad women and it was a great busy, the kind I’m so thankful for because spending time with children and family and photography truly fills my soul!  On the flip side though, the days have been filled to the brim and the nights have been even longer!

I’ve been craving a single night off… just one where we can grill out or sit out in the back yard and put our feet up!  A night even where we can bike ride to our favorite little restaurant with Linc in tow and then after he takes his bath and goes to bed, Tuck and I can prop our feet up and watch a really great movie!

BUT… there are too many things too do, the heat has been too hot to bear to eat outside (after we’ve already been outside all day long swimming) and I can’t sit still for a movie without falling asleep anyway!!

We also invited a new monster into our house… and by monster I mean it’s a real mean monster that I wish would leave!

We’ve been experiencing night terrors!  If you’ve ever experienced a night terror before with your little… PLEASE any suggestions are welcomed!

Here’s what I learned last night:

  • When I was working at the hospital, the little ones would often have Emergence Delerium when they woke from anesthesia.  It was sad and awful at the same time and often, the parents wouldn’t be able to handle it because there was just no helping their child!  At the time, I could understand how upset this made parents and I would be called in to help.  I had “magic” as some parents would call it and I would just patiently wait and whisper gently until it all wore off and the little ones realized where they were and WHO was with them!  THIS is how night terrors are in our house… except this mommy doesn’t have any magic!  When you become a parent there is NOTHING more that you want to do than help your children!  You would go to the ends of the earth and MORE for them… and that’s sometimes the whole crutch of the issue.  I was able to soothe patients in the hospital because they weren’t mine and I wasn’t soo deeply invested!  Last night, my mommy heart broke (and so did my CCLS heart) because I just had to wait until it passed.  I had no magic and I had no secrets… I just had to sit and breathe and watch this play out!  I’m ready to have that magic back now please!
  • Even when you try to stay STRONG as a parent.. NO you will not come into our bed to sleep EVER… because it’s just no good.. you will break!  Linc is a persistant kiddo and if you give him the tiniest little inch, he will RUN with that!!!  Last night… he came into our bed and he stayed! Tonight should be interesting!
  • Two boys in a kind size bed = smelly, snorey, hogging, kicking, punching and a LOT of waking up for this momma!  PLUS… I didn’t need the blankets last night and I’m always cold but with these two gents it was like having a furnace inside the bed!
  • There is nothing to do but laugh when you little one wakes up in the morning and says to you… WAIT where’s MY bed?!


So if you see me today… in public.. I’m looking a little rough! I also feel a little rough too but it’s all good!  I like to use the word Mombie… I’ve got my coca-cola and my plans are to spend this day indoors editing my heart away!!

Linc feels great this morning and he’s a happy little camper which is more than I could ask for!

I think I’ll suffer a little as long as he’s happy and in a good mood… just ask Tuck if he feels the same!  I think he might have taken a few head butts last night!



  • June 15, 2015 - 10:10 pm

    Darlene - my sister in law gave my nephew a special “magic monsters ring” that worked for them. I also have heard of “Special” spray for the room! Good luck, isn’t it amazing how they wake up in the morning like nothing has happened?ReplyCancel