Yearly Archives: 2015


Well Happy Monday Morning Friends!!! It’s a beautiful morning here today in Virginia Beach and did we enjoy a beautiful weekend this past Saturday and Sunday or what?!  I was pretty sick but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the sunshine and the outdoors… all weekend long!

Sometimes I think when you ARE sick with a summer cold/cough the sunshine beating down actually makes you feel better! Plus.. when you are a mom or a parent of any kind the real truth of the matter is that you don’t get to be sick!  There are no sick days or lounging around (although my sweet, sweet husband did try to let me do those things as much as he could.. which was especially nice since he was the one who passed his sickness on to me!)

We spent our weekend “squishing” each other in the pool (that’s Linc’s word for squirting with squirt guns, it’s too cute and I don’t have the heart to change it!)  That’s really all we did folks:  squirt gun wars, diving lessons and canon ball splashing!  We made lovely summer salads and cooked on the grill!  I coughed up a lung and watched Into the Woods finally!

Our weekend was just as I wanted it to be… quiet, silly and ours!

Some things I learned this weekend…

  • I still need coffee!  Every now and then I amp it up with advocare!  If you haven’t heard of advocare click the link and check them out!  I found advocare when my migraines were taking over my life!  I am the healthiest UNHEALTHY person you will ever meet (for real ya’ll).  A girlfriend of mine introduced me to it and it has helped me with a lot of my issues (anemia, vitamin B and D deficiency and my migraines to name a few) but seriously though just a few!  We love the spark in our house BUT coffee in the morning is a habit I can’t kick.  We started the cleanse again (because honestly friends it DOES make me feel better)  but I still need that morning cup of coffee!
  • SAMBAZON juice for smoothies… soo I jumped on the Acai bowl boat big time.. but I can’t find the frozen packets locally!  I haven’t decided to jump on the ordering from amazon band wagon because they are expensive but at cocsco you can buy the big juice and make smoothies with them.  They are delicious!! So I’m drinking one now and it’s making me feel better about this whole cold thing!
  • PLANTAINS… ya’ll roasting them is super easy and in a salad it’s like WOAH!  We made fish tacos which are a favorite of mine and I whipped up a dressing that was super easy and included pineapple so it was super tropical (again woah)!  We poured the dressing over the fish tacos and over the salad with the plantains.. I blew my own mind!
  • SOOO mom moment ahead:  LYSOL became my best friend last Thursday night!  This might need to be a blog post in and of itself!  I always talk about how real is better than perfect and I am usually NEVER embarrassed about “MOM MOMENTS” but we had friends over (friends as in she’s like my sister friend) and Linc did something sooo weird and soo sad that we call it “the incident” now.  Let’s just say we had to quarantine our play house and lysol that beast DOWN because of said incident!  Then that night I felt like I needed to do the same!  Boys… and now I feel like I should buy stock in Lysol!
  • Can we talk about how I’m SUPER excited for this week because of an incredible project I finally am able to start working on called THE MOTHERHOOD JOURNALS!!!  More information to come on that very soon!  Just know that I’ve been dreaming about this and my heart has been so full about this for almost a year now!
  • PHOTOGRAPHER FRIENDS:  Are you a member of the Rising Tide Society?!  Did you know they are launching a blog?! Go check this out!!!


Alright so that’s how I spent my weekend!  We also took this cutie in the pool and lounged around with her all weekend! She was my  nurse and a great one at that!  Lately there’s been this huge FB post/feed whatever you want to call it about how horrible pitbulls are (that’s been around for a while) but also tattoos are and what awful parents those two make together… gotta say I must be THE WORST PARENT EVER THEN…Since I’m in both categories!

Can we for a minute just stop judging one another by stupid things based on face value without taking the time to get to really KNOW one another?!

I’m blonde but I’m not dumb (at least not all the time haha)  and I have tattoos but I’m pretty naive and a really good two shoe kind of girl… and I have a pitbull who is just like nana from peter pan and is the most mother like dog that I have ever owned!

I could go on and on with the sterotypes that make us laugh here at our house but that’s not the point of this weekend re-cap!

The whole pitbull mis-conceptions make us laugh.. I mean look at this BIG BABY!


OK!  Sooo

THIS gorgeous couple is coming to the blog THIS WEEK… so be sure to keep reading and keep checking back!  Happy first week of JUNE! Stunning Outerbanks SeaGlass Wedding Brooke Tucker Photography


There’s nothing better than enjoying the first evenings of summer together as a family:  running around, searching for treasures, laughing, hugging and making squish faces!

This is exactly the evenings I live for with my families… the only thing better is when we get to capture those moments so they might live on forever!

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing this extremely FUN family for a few years now!  In fact, this super gorgeous (inside AND outside) momma and I met through mutual friends before I even really picked up my camera!

She was there when I first became interested in photography for fun, she supported me with another girlfriend of ours as I was learning and growing, and she was one of the first amazing and brave women who trusted me and had faith in me to say I will gladly and boldly step in front of your camera when she was pregnant with her first daughter!

I owe her so much that words could never truly express!

When I found out she had moved back in town (and actually down the street) I literally jumped for joy!

There are so few really BRIGHT spirits left in this world and my friend here is one of those few!  She walks with light and grace!  You can’t help but feel your heart soar when you are around her!  This might sound corny or funny to those of you who haven’t met her yet, but I’m not even the least bit kidding when I say she is actually bathed in light and beauty!  When you are around her, you just see her radiate positivity and laughter!  You find yourself laughing and feel light hearted!

You cares go out the window and you just feel at peace and at ease.  Her souther charms win you over and you just want to smile and be happy and be good and be wild and free!

Her husband is the same way friends!  He is fun and he is funny!  I love his stories and I find myself actually being quiet around him!

That probably shocked you right there right?!  We all know I’m a talker!  I just can’t wait to hear the next story!!  They are a dynamic duo together and I love being around them!

Their little one is the same way.  She is smart as a whip and she is kind and sweet!  She is the kind of girl that is a sweetheart and also a firecracker!  In my mind, that is the absolute best combination!

I love to watch them parent because I feel like I learn so much!

Fun Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session

We rode all together to one of my favorite local spots!  Its a bit beachy and a bit marshy!  It’s also a great place for little ones because they can run and be free without really having to worry to much about straying too far!  There’s lots to explore and treasures to find and in the meantime we can chat and catch up!

This picture above is one of my most favorites from our time and I will always make sure to capture images like this one!  There is nothing more like childhood than running bare foot with the wind in your hair!  When do we forget how do be so free at heart?  When do we forget how to love with passion for everything we do?  There is nothing like the beauty of a wild heart full of live and breath and passion!!!

This little family loves so freely and so fiercely!  They laugh with wild abandon and love with open hearts!

Enjoy some of my favorites form our walk together!!

un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session

How perfect when you’re sitting in a field that’s scattered with buttercups to teach this gorgeous girl the buttercup game?!  Did you guys ever do this?  “Do YOU love butter?!  I do, so clearly I loved this game… and so did she!!!

un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session

And every daddy needs a black and white!!!

We then moved on to the BEST photo of the evening in my opinion!  SQUISH FACE!!!!!

This makes me giggle EVERY TIME I SEE IT!

un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session un Outdoors Virginia Beach Family Maternity Session


Aren’t they all super stunning?!

Family evenings like this are the best.. when you can just spend time with your family laughing, searching and loving each other!  This was extra special because their little family of 3 is about to be a family of 4 with a new baby sister soon to arrive!

What better way to celebrate all that love that documenting how excited they all are!  They will be able to share that love and excitement and show this new little girl how much she was loved and wanted even before she was held in their arms!

What a precious gift!!!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

This morning, I had an entirely different post scheduled!  I was going to share a gorgeous family session that brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh out loud… like really loud!

Instead, I’m going to share that session with you tomorrow!

I woke up this morning and received a text… well we’d been already texting this morning super early!  That’s what BFF’s do… you just understand that a text at 7 am is OK!

This particular text in a series of “we share the same brain” texts, made me stop in my tracks… “DUDE, I just published something raw and scary!”

I immediately tuned my world out and pulled up her blog on my phone!  She wasn’t kidding, my friend who is soft spoken and often doesn’t usually spill her guts out onto screen did just that!

She poured her heart out about WHY photography means so incredibly much to hear and she does so with such grace and poise!  She made my eyes well with tears because her story reminds us all that although our stories are different and we come from different backgrounds we are still connected by something so powerful… the need to hold on and remember the ways we love and have been loved!

So this morning… if you have a moment, I encourage you to read her post!

It’s so beautifully written and talks about HER story!  HER why beginning with her family and how they have inspired her to capture love and moments of love in photographs!

It’s about so much more than photography though friends:  It’s about marriage, it’s about love and hard work and it’s about holding on to something greater than ourselves!

Check it out!


