Yearly Archives: 2015

I have probably written this post and then deleted it several times!

I have written this post in my notebook to be blogged and then forgotten about it several times!

I have talked about writing this post and then something happens and it just never has been published or written in a way that I feel it deserves to be written or talked about!

Until now… Now I choose to let perfection go and just write about it freely!  Because ya’ll it needs to be talked about!

One quote or phrase that kept coming up at the Creative@Heart conference was Choose People Over Photos!  

Now when everyone was talking about this, there were talking about it so many other ways!

I kept hearing it though in this one circumstance!  Maybe it’s because I happen to serve a very specific population:  children and families!

Maybe it’s because I live in a very specific area that requires a different set of rules!  Who knows… but what I kept hearing when everyone was talking about choosing people over pictures was:

Listening to our clients when they ask for us as photographers to respect their privacy!  

This is such a big deal friends!

These days social media is HUGE!  We are all over everything!  We post all families, ourselves, our food, our homes, every little detail of our lives on social media!

Heck… if you really wanted to know just about anything about anyone, I’m sure you could find it out by checking google, instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest or another account!

It’s actually really scary when you think about it!  If someone wanted to know your address, I bet they could figure it out!  In fact, I know they could because my hubby spent an entire training course trying to delete our family FROM social media!

It’s both a blessing and a curse!

For those of us who run a small business, it’s an amazing tool!  It’s how we GROW our business!  It’s how we spread our name and generate some word of mouth!

I’m a photographer and I absolutely love sharing my client’s beautiful images on social media!  I love to tag them and share our personal experience!  It gives me incredible joy to see THEIR joy when they post their images from a session!

Sometimes, I have to remember though that it’s all a personal choice!  It’s a family choice that I make for myself and for Linc when I share my own images!  It’s a personal choice that each individual makes for themselves and for their family…

and only THEY can make it!

I work with a lot of families that ask me if I wouldn’t mind NOT sharing their images on any social media formats!  This means no sneak peeks for facebook, no instagram posts and absolutely no blog posts!

As a small business owner there are some times when this might be viewed as “tough”.  This is how we generate business, by sharing our work.

But I don’t see it that way!  I don’t see it that way at all!  I choose to see it a different way!

You see, these families aren’t asking because they don’t want you succeed or to grow!  These families or these clients are asking you because they have their very own, very personal reasons!  They have their own VERY GOOD reasons I might add that they have chosen for their own families!

These are the clients that will help you grow your business on word of mouth experience!  This “experience based client” is far greater than any kind of experience you would ever gain from a social media interaction!

It always comes down to how we treat our clients and the experience we provide!

In the area I live and work in, we are a military based area!  Most of the clients I serve for many reasons just can’t share on social media.  It would be a shame to turn them down, hassle them or put up a fuss just because of a silly blog post!

It sounds funny… to say turn them away because of social media, but friends it happens a lot!

This is where I urge you to follow the advice of the many professional in this industry that are following the words of

choose people over pictures!  

People are always more important than images!  Our experience with people will always win out over beautiful images!  That’s just the honest truth!  You can produce the most stunning and beautifully rendered images out there but if your not also creating the best personal experience to go along with that it just won’t matter!

Remember that we are here to SERVE our clients and to respect their wishes!  ALL THE TIME!

Yes we have contracts and yes we might include a bit about social media and sharing but at the end of the day friends, remember our privacy is an extremely important boundary!

A boundary only WE can set for ourselves!  Just because you chose to share your life so openly doesn’t mean that your clients share that same view!

They may choose you BECAUSE you share so openly and they may love you for that, but they may also have reasons why they just can’t share so openly at the moment!

Please take that into consideration and discuss this with your clients one on one!

Choose your clients first!  Put them first and serve them the best that you can.  If you can do that, you will gain so much more than you ever could with social media.

I promise you..

People over pictures always!

I love that phrase… can you tell?!  I feel like I should frame it and put it on my wall in my office!  It just puts things into perspective in so many different ways.

When I get stressed about a session and I can’t find the right way to style it… guess what people over pictures!

when I worry about something silly… people over pictures!

It just reminds me of my mission and the core and heart of my business!  Serving my clients through photography!

People over pictures!



Happy Monday Friends!  I can’t believe it’s already Monday morning!  This weekend really seemed to fly by!  Maybe it was because the weather was gorgeous here and we spent just about every second of the days outside!

You know what I love most about weekend re-cap posts… it’s totally off the cuff ya’ll!  I love it because I have no agenda and I can just type.  It’s a real deal chit chat and I feel like it’s kind of a conversation!  No stress, just a one on one conversation about our lives!

In the spirit of that, want to know the best part of the weekend for my boys… I lost my voice!

Yep, not even gonna play it off, I seriously think that was the absolute best part of the weekend for my husband!  I love him so much!

I’m a talker!  Ya’ll know it’s the truth!  So to have a weekend where I absolutely could not talk because even my whispering was absolutely pathetic… was probably a heavenly break for him!

This is what happened ya’ll:

Friday my “allergies” were acting up.  I’ve never had allergies before!  By Friday afternoon, I sounded like Linc will in 10 years when he hits puberty.  It was comical!

Saturday morning, I wouldn’t even dare answer my phone because I could barely even scratch out a word ya’ll and when I did… all I heard on the other end was hysterical laughing!

By Sunday…it was completely gone!  I was forced to use pen and paper and texting to communicate!

So the boys had a GREAT weekend of silence and boy talk!

We did have a wonderful weekend though!  Here are some of the things we enjoyed together:

  • We ran up to the Farmer’s Market and enjoyed their little Fair they had going on!  Linc was a super dare devil.  He loved the tea cups and what’s even more surprising, he LOVED the tilt a whirl!  We were nervous because we had to wait a super long time for the ride to begin and he usually panics when that happens.  Things were getting a little hairy at one point during our “wait time” but luckily right as he was about to throw the towel in, the ride kicked into gear.  HOLY COW that ride has some serious G forces!  Tilt a whirls a NO JOKE YA’LL!  They slam you up and down kind of and they go FAST!  I thought for sure we were going to have tears and at one point, throw up but Linc took it like a BEAST!  His poor face was an awful mix of pain and sickness but he just kept saying “THIS IS AWESOME” and afterwards asked to go on it again!!!  He also asked if he could ride the one that goes upside down.  Mommy wasn’t ready for him to tackle that one yet!
  • We had our first funnel cake experience!  Ok so I’m not a fan of sweets, but please ya’ll gimme some funnel cake!  I thought for sure Linc would adore it, but he wasn’t super impressed.  So I ate the entire thing on the walk back to the car.  More for mommy riiiight!!!!!
  • Our hammock (which is one of my most favorite things in the world) ripped last weekend when our 60lb dog decided it’s also one of her favorite things in the world too.  One day, I will write a whole post about our dog Tipper because she really doesn’t believe she’s a dog, she thinks she is a person and a really large infant at that!  When we lay on the hammock she is NOT to be excluded ya’ll.  Hence, the ripping that happened when Tuck and Linc were laying on it last weekend.  Long story short, this weekend we replaced my nice quilted hammock and all is right with the world again!  Yesterday as I was cleaning our house a bit before the church youth group came, I took a look out the window to where the boys were playing outside and spied the cutest thing in the world!  IN THE WORLD YA’LL.  The boys were both in the hammock, sprawled out in the sunshine snuggling together asleep!  Linc never rests… EVER, so to see him snuggled up (in just his undies by the way) which his daddy in the sunshine and swaying in the breeze… it melted my little mommy heart.  So of course I snapped a few pictures!  Then Tipper caught me and decided she needed to be included in the photo op to and photo bombed trying to climb in and woke everyone up!


That was pretty much our weekend!  How was yours?  I hope you were outside enjoying the beautiful weather!  These days make my heart just soar!  I am definitely a lover of the sun and warm air.  I know everyone is, but I just never knew how much the weather could change my mood and happiness!  How sad is that?!  Tell me I’m not alone!

In other news:  BIG THINGS happening in Brooke Tucker Photography!  BIG THINGS for big and amazing clients and family!  I say family because I hope you all know that WHEN you step in front of my camera you BECOME my family! You BECOME a member of BT family!  ALWAYS!  Because of this, it is for a lifetime and I intend to treat you as family!

So please be on the look out for some pretty lovely things from now one!

I love every person that has had the trust and the faith and the courage to put their hearts and their stories in my hands and in in front of my lens~!

Here are my hearts… just a few snap shots (i phone) from our weekend!  If you follow me on instagram you have already seen the first!  If not.. follow me now friends!  p.s. I would totally put the hammock pictures on there but Linc is in his skivvies and well, I’m sure my mom would agree that it might not be completely appropriate for the world wide web at his age!

I feel like I’m always the one that’s a little late to the party and I know for sure that I’m absolutely late to the here’s my amazing story from my experience at the Creative @ Heart Conference post!

The only thing that I can say in defense of myself is this:  I’m late to the party because I wanted to make sure I took my time and really explained and expressed every little thing in the best possible way!

You see… this “conference” and I’m putting it in quotations because it is sooooo much more than a conference!  It’s actually a movement ya’ll!

If you are even considering attending the next round of creative @ heart, as soon as that registration goes live friends… CLICK THAT BUTTON!  No matter where you are in your business as a creative (wedding planner, calligrapher, photographer, etc) this is an experience with the whole package and I promise you with every fiber in my being that it will change your life!

( sorry ya’ll ^ you get to see my awesome and amazing foyer floors b/c my bath tub which is usually my nice clean white surface for shooting… yep bathtub… wouldn’t fit all the amazing swag inside as well as me!)  Real life!!!


The first thing you need to know about the weekend is there is no way you can prepare for it… emotionally!  I was told that I was going to “feel all the feels” and I was given details from the first round and I thought I knew what to expect… but friends that’s the thing… you don’t know!  

This conference/movement isn’t about just talking.  These women and men/man who are standing up front and speaking are not talking AT you, they are sharing their stories and handing you a piece of themselves!  They are giving you information it has taken some of them years to learn and at the same time they are sharing such personal stories that make you feel as if you are alone in that room one on one with them.

This conference is not a conference made up of “go get em”… “you can do it” build you up and send you home!  Yes, it does that!  But this conference and the amazing line up of speakers and panelists arm you with stories of trial and errors, failures and success.  They make you think about things from a different perspective and really reach down into the depths of your soul and find the heart, the why!  Then these same speakers who you now feel so strongly connected with give you tools to go home and actually get to work!

It’s emotional, it’s overwhelming, it’s humbling, it’s incredible, it’s CRAZY, it’s thought provoking and it’s inspiring!

It’s not just another conference friends:  it really is a movement.  It’s a movement because you leave (hopefully) letting go of fear and taking in a community spirit.  You realize that service and community are the heart beat behind success and that we can all succeed if we just continue to lift one another up!

I may have gone to my room every night with an overwhelming breath, heavy with so many thoughts and plans and ‘to-do’s on my mind.  Today though, I sit at my desk and step by step and check mark by check mark I breathe so much easier and there is a pep in my step because I know I have all these women who will keep me accountable!  I have all these women (and men) who were there who can help remind me what that experience was like and what it taught us!

We have a community and we are a team!

Ok… so all that was pretty heavy!  Here are some super fun parts of the conference!  Some of my favorite memories that keep me laughing and will always stick out!

  • Day 1 I was such a fan girl!  I actually ran up to Mary Marantz and started to pet her!  YES ya’ll… I petted Mary!  I was that creepy girl!  She was amazing and by the end of the conference she hugged me and she cried with me and she is one of the most beautiful people I have ever spoken with!


  • When I say you don’t know what to expect… you just don’t!  Everyone was really emotional that first day but I didn’t really become emotional until day 2 during a branding talk!  BRANDING!  Who gets emotional over branding!  This is the thing though… BONNIE got up there and did her thing and as she was speaking what she was saying was just on my heart so incredibly much that it moved me to tears!  Elizabeth was sitting next to me and she was furiously writing notes to me left and right!  The two of us just knew that I needed some Bonnie in my life!  (More to come on that front at a later date!)


  • Natalie Franke!  OH MY GOSH!  This girl…. ROCKS!  Her talk about social media blew my mind!  More importantly though, this girl blew my mind!  We met after randomly at the bar after what was a rather awkward experience for Elizabeth and I (we won’t go into detail but let’s just say our relaxing room wasn’t so relaxing and we had to switch).  Yes, Elizabeth and I kind of wanted to stalk her out but it did just happen that we ended up at the same bar (the only bar in the hotel) ANYWAY… we totally bonded over the fact that we are probably the only people in the world that order amaretto sours!  Aside from that amazing fact alone… we sat 5 of us girls together, and bonded over some crazy personal topics!  Natalie is the person that made me realize community is not just something people throw around!  Our bartender was probably thrilled when our pizza arrived and we all left because 5 sobbing girls at the bar, probably not great for business.  When I say sobbing, it wasn’t that bad and it was all happy tears!  I saw one of my best friends realize some things talking to Natalie that she had been holding back!  I saw her completely open up and I saw a little bit of fear seep out and a heck of a lot of confidence seep in!  I will forever remember that and be grateful for that bar and for Natalie!


  • LATE NIGHT TREAT!  That first day was a whirlwind and before I knew it, we had to book it back to the room to change into PJ’s and book it back down for late night treat!  I was nervous about this one because once I”m in PJ’s I’m usually asleep (at like 730pm and this was supposed to go until like 11pm).  Let’s get real ya’ll!  But it was soo fantastic to have everyone together, comfortable and relaxed and hanging out.  I met so many new friends at the late night treat!  I drank tea and bonded with a new friend Kaeli!  I had a chance to talk potter speak with Abby Grace, and ya’ll I needed someone to talk potter with because no one understands me at home!  # Gryffindor for life!


  • Let’s talk about the time I wanted to ask Caroline Logan a question only to have her pull in Katelyn James (who I knew was going to give me tough love on the subject… love her for that) and then tried to escape so no one would see how emotional I got… only to try and grab gummy bears and have the table ATTACK ME!  Like not a whoops I just ran into the table, ya’ll it attacked me and I fell and hit the floor.  Want to know the best part, Abby Grace was also standing at the table getting herself some gummy bears!  DARN IT YA’LL!  How do you even play that off?!


  • The other really great parts:  lunch when I spoke and bonded with a new friend who will be coming in town in June for a workshop and we now have a plan on the books to get together.  How about when MARY brought the house down with her incredible talk and everyone was sobbing, but everyone was soo inspired!  How about when Kat left us at the end of the day with this incredible and funny talk about hard work and fairy dust and then actually gave us fairy dust!

These are the moments that as I sit at my desk, I can’t help but remember and feel inspired and motivated!

I feel challenged and pushed and ready to move my business forward for the better!

So friends… seriously!  If you attend a conference or want to pursue some form of education for yourself and your business and you are thinking about the next round of creative @ heart… don’t think anymore!  DO IT!

You will be so inspired~!

I love this one of Kat above…. she is just awesome!!!

Thank you soo much to Amanda Hedgepeth for all these incredible professional images above from our time!  The team that Kat put together for creative @heart was truly remarkable!  They wanted to make sure we were focused and had our hearts and minds ready to receive the information that these speakers were giving us!  They made sure to capture images for us to use so we didn’t have to worry about documenting it for ourselves!  Seriously… Kat thought of everything!  She’s amazing!

So go… it’s in charleston next round!  When that round goes live… commit to it and make it happen!

  • April 12, 2015 - 11:38 pm

    Bonnie Bakhtiari - Sweet Brooke, you are truly a gem! I absolutely LOVED meeting you at Creative at Heart, and am blown away by your sweet spirit and vibrant personality. I know you’re going to infuse so much heart into your brand this year, and over the years to come. I can’t wait to see how high you soar, lady!ReplyCancel