Yearly Archives: 2015

Emily, Preston and I met when we were in birthing class together!  I can’t imagine our lives without Emily, Preston and Clover!  These three are the most amazing, beautiful and caring individuals I have ever met and they all enhance our lives so greatly it would be impossible to describe!

They enhance everyone’s lives!  There isn’t a person these three(now four) don’t meet that they don’t change for the better!

When Emily told me she was going to have another little one, I was over the moon for this family!  When they asked me to capture their gender reveal, I flipped out more than they did when those pink confetti streamers flew… but when Emily came and asked if I would capture Loda’s birth… I knew I would never forget it!

So Dear sweet Loda:  Welcome to the world!  I’m sharing your story almost a year later because I could never find the words to express just how utterly amazing your birth truly was!

If I could tell you anything beautiful Loda it would be that the amount of love in your room that morning was so powerful it could actually be physically felt!  If I could tell you anything about your mother it would be that she is so incredibly strong and not in a way that you could ever explain in words.  She has a strength that comes deep from within and is rooted in the love and grace and unconditional appreciation she has for everyone and everything! If I could only give you a glimpse of your father on this incredible day and the way they he so perfectly and so humbly supported your mother and loved her and lifted her up with all that he is!  If I could just give you a piece of their incredible relationship and partnership that is truly one of a kind!

I wish I had the words lovely Loda, but since I don’t and I could never explain it just so, I hope you can see all that love and excitement and trust and hope that I witnessed and felt that morning you arrived!

Some days (most days) I wish I could go back to when I started my legit business.  Not to the day I picked up my camera, but the day I went full time, got my license (because guys that is super important!) and decided to really become a photographer.  The day I decided to say outloud to people when they asked me what I do and say “I’m Brooke… I’m a photographer!”  I wish I could write myself a letter and tell myself all of these things I have learned since then because WOW I wonder where I would be!

But… even if I could go back, I probably wouldn’t!  Even if I could go back and tell myself all these things (aside from being super weirded out to meet and talk to my future self) I probably wouldn’t listen.  I would probably make the same mistakes over and over again.

You see, I am an experience based learner.  I learn best by experiencing things on my own terms!  I can say this because guess what friends… these 5 little tips that I desperately wish I could have told myself back then are things that I am still working on implementing and learning and trying to grow!  These are things that my mentors are still driving in to this head of mine!

That’s the best and worst part about owning your own business:  as your business grows, so will you and so will your need to adapt and change everything you implement!  You will always have to keep one finger on the pulse of the scope of your empire!  I say empire and I laugh (out loud in a maniacal way) but it’s true!  There are so many moving parts in a small business that there are days even the smallest business can feel like an empire!

Still though, there are 5 little things I wish I could have known back then so that maybe I could have started to work on them sooner.  Things that I have learned through the love of mentors and friends that have lifted me up when I have wanted to quit.  Things that my dear sweet husband has told me repeatedly like a broken record (bless his sweet heart).  Things that have cost me some precious time.  No one wants to make the same mistakes over and over again.

If this sounds like you… read on!

(Photo ^ by the amazing Hope Taylor photography for the March 2015 Creative @ Heart Conference)


1.  Your Time Is Valuable!  Repeat this over and over again until it really sinks in.  I have to do this on a daily basis because I still struggle with this!  Your time is so incredibly valuable.  It doesn’t matter if you are just starting your business or your are a seasoned veteran, your time is valuable!  There will be times when you might feel anxious or self conscious about putting a price on that time, but repeat that phrase and try to remember why you are choosing to do this!  I struggle with this on a deep, deep level to this very day!  I always feel like for some reason I am “taking” something away from my clients by asking them to pay me for capturing their family memories.  I needed to switch my thinking and I think Amanda Hedgepeth does this so well.  She is grateful to all her clients because they are supporting a small business and by doing so fulfilling a little girls dream to take ballet!  How amazing is that?!  Mary Marantz challenges you to think about who sacrificed for you in order for you to live out your dream and do this job?  Who are you sacrificing for to DO this job? My hubs and my son are two of the most important people in my life!  Every time I step out that door, I have to think of them.  Who are YOU sacrificing for?

Your time is precious and it is valuable no matter where you are in your business!


2.  Branding and Online Presence DOES make a difference.  I’m not just talking about a nice logo and color palettes here, I’m talking about a clear, simple and personal representation of who YOU are and the heart behind your business.  No one wants to show up to the party late and I completely did.  I didn’t believe that having a website or a matching facebook page would matter or help attract the right clients to my door.  I was so completely wrong!  Take the time to do this RIGHT and believe in it because for the majority of your clients, this will be their first impression of you and you want them to have it right!  When you are looking for a service where is the first place you look?  Google am I right?!  That’s what I do!  If I want more information about someone or something, especially a local business I search google.  If they don’t have a web page that I can browse I automatically become disinterested.  If it’s a photographer, I’m out automatically!  I want to see their work, I want to see WHO THEY ARE from what their website looks like and especially their blog!  I want to get to know them!

Take this seriously and brand with someone who will really take the time to get to know YOU and YOUR BUSINESS!  Branding is about so much more than just a logo and colors.  You want your audience to feel your purpose, your story and your heart behind your business the second that web page or blog opens.  You want them to totally get YOU.  If they can get behind you and they believe in your purpose, they will be your cheerleader and help you grow your business!


3.  Organize your life & Create a Work Flow.  Organization is KEY!  I love organization and I would usually consider myself an organized person, except if you would come into my house on any given day and look at my desk you would totally disagree.  My business used to be totally disorganized!  A disorganized business equals bad quality of service and care for your clients!  Who wants that?!  It’s so incredibly important from the beginning to create a system and set of work flows that will help you organize and run your business with efficiency!  Create yourself a series of checks and balances.  There are so many great ways to do this and so many amazing people have blogged about just this topic.  I’m just NOW finding a system that works for me.

I’m a paper and pencil kind of girl so at first having a paper planner was amazing!  I could write down all my sessions and that was all I needed.  I uploaded all my contracts through Hello Sign and I had a system that stored my contracts there.  Boom that was great!  Pay pal kept all my transactions and I was set… except all of that together became a lot of little systems that we had to constantly keep up with by referring to e mails and I was constantly getting confused!  I tried a file system… then the dog ate it!  Seriously, she did!  Also the filing cabinet became a storage space for anything I did’t want Linc to color on.  Are you getting my drift, sometimes what you think will work because it always has for other things just might not work for your business.

Enter 17 Hats!  I’m in my free trial at the moment and so far I’m loving it!  All my little systems are together in one online spot and I have to say, it’s kind of nice!

Moral of the story… find a system that works for you and create that system for EACH CLIENT!  Make sure nothing and no one falls through the cracks.  You have to make sure that your services are consistent each and every time.  This comes from perfect organization!


4.  Financial Budgeting and Systems.  This is a topic no one really likes to talk about but it’s so incredibly important!  I wish someone had told me that in the first two or three years of your photography business there is a good chance you won’t turn over a huge profit.  In fact, most of your money if you aren’t going to use a loan or credit of any kind, will go straight back into your business!  Don’t let this get you down friends, instead jump for joy and have a cupcake!

If you can rock out your business and purchase all your equipment with your business income that’s pretty darn great!  Photography equipment is crazy expensive, but it’s not going to be that way forever!  Work with what you have, make the most of the prime lenses that you have in your bag right now and continue to work your sessions towards the ones you want!  Getting to know your equipment inside and out is the best thing you can do for your business, so work it!  Don’t worry about what other’s have, focus on what YOU have!  I never rented a single lens.  I used what I had and I made it work for me!  It all worked out and that money I would have put into renting equipment was put towards owning it instead!

Set up a budgeting system!  Dave Ramsey has some amazing resources out there when it comes to money!  The hubs and I are working on some of his techniques right now for both our home and the business.  The best advice I can offer for your business is to open a business account!  Get yourself a business card and ONLY use it for business transactions.  At the end of your first month review it and take a look at where your spending is going!  Create a budget for certain areas of your business and then decide where you want your money to work for you!  YES, make your money WORK FOR YOU, every single dollar.  GIVE IT A JOB… that’s what Dave Ramsey says.  Don’t let a single penny have it’s freedom!  Give it a place!

Right now I have post its placed around the office of where I need my money to go because I’m working towards some really big projects.  It’s a daily reminder for me that my money already has a job, that I need to book sessions and my time is valuable!

Yes it’s funny when you come to my house because my office is the first thing you see, and yep you see the post it’s with numbers on them!  BUT that also means it’s the first thing I see when I wake up and walk downstairs and it’s the last thing I see before heading up to bed at night.  I’m making my money WORK FOR ME!  *I also put myself on a spending freeze… yuck*


5.  You are not alone and you can not do this alone!  You need to seek out your biggest supporters and do that THIS INSTANCE!  There are going to be times (many times) where you want to give up.  There are going to be times when you feel burnt out!  There are going to be times when the heavy weight of disappointment, competitive, “I could do better”, “she’s better” “but that was my idea” are going to come and press down on you!  It happens in the creative world and that is what makes us all human!  It’s also why we need to realize, right now, that we need encouragers in our corner to help us remember why we do this!  We need our loved ones to lift us back up!  It’s so incredibly important that I can’t stress it enough!  It’s not only important to have our loved ones on board and understand our purpose behind what we do and our love for it;  it’s also important to have peers and friends in the industry who also understand and can support us!  We need to find a community that we can belong to and serve!  Join in with the many shoot and share groups in your area.  Find at least one solid friend that you can truly connect with and have each other’s back!


5.5:  Yes I know but it does go along with the above!!  Find someone who has your back BUT offers you constructive criticism!  Don’t be afraid of this!  You need to be critiqued in order to grow, especially in photography!  Find someone who YOU truly respect, someone who has a style that YOU admire and find similar to your own (or where you would like to be).  See if they might be willing to sit down with you and critique your work or offer some advice and pointers.  Make sure this person will come from a place of encouragement but also a place of honesty!  It’s fantastic to have your cheerleaders, but if you always live in that world, it will stunt your growth!  Trust me… this was my first few years as a photographer!  It wasn’t until I gained enough courage to sit down with Andi Grant, took a breath and actually heard all the fantastic stuff she had to say that I saw a difference in the quality of my work!  I started to GO somewhere and I started to bring my images to life!  Find someone who will be honest in a positive way and go through your images with one by one.  See if they will look at the RAW files and teach you about your lighting, your exposure, your white balance etc.  Take notes while they speak and really listen to what they have to say!  Then, in return, see if there is something YOU can do to serve them that might help you learn as well!


At the end of the day when it’s really tough, just remember, this comes from your heart!  If you come from a place of heart and a place of serving others, you will find that you can find a way to get back to your joy and purpose once again!



Owning your own business is an amazing feeling!  It’s also a million other feelings all wrapped up in that amazing ball but at the end of the day, you are doing something that comes straight from your heart!  Remember that friends!  No matter what happens, you are doing something with your whole heart, so win, lose or draw ( best game ever) there is no failure when there is love involved!

I wish I knew all these little tips years ago, but I’m so proud of where I am in my business today because I have had what Kat from dear sweetheart events call “sweet starts”.  I’m always molding and shaping my business and will always be growing it as my heart grows for those that I serve and love.

Don’t be afraid to step out there and follow your heart friends… the only way you will ever “mess up”, “fall down” or ” fail” is if you never take that first step.  Fear succeeds at keeping us stuck… don’t be stuck!

  • April 7, 2015 - 3:22 pm

    Mariah - Brooke! Thank you so much for this valuable post! As someone who is in the process of “officially” starting my photography business, these are great things to keep in mind!ReplyCancel

    • April 7, 2015 - 5:12 pm - Mariah, I’m so happy this has helped you! Congratulations on “officially” starting your business! It’s such an exciting time and remember to take your time and allow yourself some grace! Purpose over perfection!!! You can do this girl!!!ReplyCancel

Happy Monday Friends!  I’m actually super excited it’s Monday!  I know everyone else is probably groaning… but seriously ya’ll the weather here is still pretty nice (Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP), Linc is off to school and he was super excited to get there this morning!  I love that he loves his school!  Plus today starts a whole new week… my birthday week!

I’m usually never excited for my birthday.  In fact, usually I dread it because in the past something horrible has always happened on my birthday.  This year though, I’m feeling really upbeat and happy about it!  I’m turning 33 (sadly my parents and I last night had to actually add up the math on that one!)  Tell me, at what age do you start to forget how old you are… because that happened!

I also prepared and served a pretty darn delicious dinner last night!  I’m kind of a nervous chef (which is not great for the food).  I always have to pep talk myself and say to myself, “self, pour LOVE into the food.  Think LOVING thoughts.”  We all know food tastes better when their is love behind it.  Tell me you agree.  Instead, usually, there is anxiety and frantic pressure notes behind the flavors in my food!  Last night though, there was looooooovvvveee  ya’ll!  I prepared Ina Garten’s herbed pork loin wrapped in prosciutto with homemade apple chutney!  I also served it along side home made bread… BOOYAH!  That’s all I’m going to say about that!  I can share the recipe if you like!  I wish I had gotten a picture but I was just so darn excited to EAT IT that I forgot to snap a quickie!

I also learned quite a few lessons over the weekend:

  • Crayons:  Are not a safe bet.  Markers and crayons are equally as dangerous.  Our house is going to invest in stock of magic eraser.  Thankfully Linc really loves the magic eraser and not only likes to clean up his “I make beautiful” spots but he likes to clean the rest of the doors, baseboards, house etc!


  • Buzz light year is actually my favorite character on toy story!  ALL OF THEM.  Now that we have seen them a trillion times!  The toy story series is actually pretty hysterical and looking for all the subtle “other” disney character and hints and “easter eggs” is challenging and really fun!  Gives the adult viewer something else to watch when you’re watching it for the 50 millionth time!


  • There are no secrets when you have a toddler such as ” Gigi, I peed on my face!”  “Mommy tells me AH AH allllll the time!”  I wonder what other secrets he is spilling at school!


  •  Tuck and I rented a movie this weekend (Guardians of the Galaxy) and I actually stayed awake for it! However, when returning to red box (for the first time) watch your fingers on those suckers… the box at Great Neck took off some skin!


Oh the “but I make it beautiful” on our window!  Just a quick snap before the other mess happened!

And my favorite… never give a sweaty boy chocolate without a napkin/ paper towel!  Two seconds is all this took!




How was your weekend?!


I’d love to hear!!!

Coming up this week… a post for photographers, a creative at heart re-cap!, a birth story and much  more!