Yearly Archives: 2015

This weekend, our family spent a whole lot of quality time together!  It was AMAZING!

I’ve been reading a bunch of really incredible books and they have made such a difference on my heart!  I just finished (for the second time) Lara Casey’s Make It Happen!

I read it a second time because I wanted to actually put the work in:  with a journal, time set aside, and intentional focus!

If you haven’t read that book but you have some big dreams or are just wondering where to go from here… friends, it’s a must read!

One of the biggest phrases I have taken away from her book this time around is:

purpose not perfection!  

I am a complete perfectionist and always have been and that never changed when we had Linc!

In fact, just this past week I was complaining/whining to Tuck that I just don’t know how to get it all done and Thursday I was having one of those days!

I was whining about how I just want to be “everything”:  I want to be the perfect photography and small business owner answering client e mails at rapid pace with the best answers and customer service.  I want to deliver images with a super fast turn over!  I want to book sessions like crazy and say yes to every session that comes my way!

I want to be the perfect mom for Linc and have the exact schedule he needs to promote optimal growth and development!  (yes I know that sounds silly but I did major in child life and child development).  I even for a while had a schedule posted that the super nanny would be proud of!

I want to be the perfect wife and stay at home mom that includes having all the errands run during the week so that we can al enjoy our time together in the evenings and on weekends without the stress of running around doing mundane errands!  I want to have a healthy dinner on the table that everyone can enjoy together!  I want the house to be spick and span deep cleaned ALL the time (because I’m partly OCD and that happened when I was nesting and pregnant).

I want and I want and I want… but the reality is… if I could really do all these things 1.  I would never ever sleep and 2.  I would not be human!

I would also be soo busy that I would never have a second to enjoy any of those moments:  not with my family, not with my clients and not a single second to myself!

Purpose over Perfection!

So this weekend I decided to choose purpose and I also followed one of Lara’s biggest tips… go offline!

I unintentionally started on Saturday.  My phone quit on me because I have overloaded it with images and videos.

Sunday though I made a conscious choice to leave my phone upstairs, for the whole day!  I also asked Tuck if moving forward, we could both do this every single Sunday.

Let’s take Sunday’s off:  Off from work, Off from Facebook, Off from instagram!  Just OFF!

Let’s just go back to how it was when WE were growing up and enjoy each other!

So we got up (Linc slept in super late) which gave us the chance to sip our coffee and talk about random things like we used to do!

We ate a nice breakfast as a family and then we all went to church together!

Linc isn’t napping anymore so the rest of the day was spent together playing as a family unit!

In fact… I can’t even begin to tell you all that we did over the weekend and it’s not because I don’t remember;  it’s because both of our days were so full with fun activities one after another that it’s hard to keep up with them!

Linc also had a lot of little firsts this weekend and both of us were 100 % present and in the moment for them!

So I think as a family moving forward we are choosing to take our Sunday’s back!

Will you join us?


  • March 24, 2015 - 1:15 am

    Darlene - i am happy you had such a great weekend. Uncle Jim and I also had a weekend like that up at camp. So refreshing and restoring!ReplyCancel

This is a post that I should have written a long time ago… because well it’s a conversation I always seem to have with Tuck!

This isn’t your typical business vs. love of photography and love of people post!  Although maybe it is… who knows!

I am pretty awful at the business side of photography and the business side of everything in general.  It’s a goal of mine every single year to work on this part of myself.  Get better at business, understand that this IS a business and realize that I am supporting my family and this is a job!

But… I just absolutely love what I do and the fact is obviously we ALL do (or we wouldn’t have ever picked up our cameras and continue to pick them up every day).  We wouldn’t pursue education, put money towards learning and education, put money towards equipment, put time and effort into pushing ourselves to learn and grow and find our style and better our art/craft.

We all just love it and we all lead with our hearts when we get out into the field and just start connecting with our clients.

For me… this business side sometimes takes me over.  It runs me down and often times it stresses me out so incredibly much that I tend to put the camera down for a while and walk away.

I’m at a place where I need this business side… I just can’t seem to rearrange my thinking in order to put it into practice.  It’s my fault and it’s my responsibility to change!  It’s a slow change for me, but I am making it.

Once I start to feel these “pains” though… I find that something happens!  It’s like God knows exactly what is on my heart (as He always does).  He knows what I’m feeling and how I’m feeling and he uses those moments to not only renew my spirit and my joy for photography (and the business side of things) but He works his mysterious ways and finds the most perfect fits so that I end up giving back in the most stealthy, secret and amazing ways possible!

It’s incredible really!  It’s why I absolutely LOVE this job and it’s why I continue to pick up my camera because I realize not only how important I feel our stories are, but because I truly feel that this is a way that I can serve His purpose.

I know this is sounding really cryptic and probably not making any sense!

Winter is a hard time for me… in soo soo many ways!  I seriously feel like I have seasonal affective disorder.  I crave the sun and not only the sun but the warmth and the warm weather.  I really do have cabin fever when the weather gets chilly (and I’m always chilly).  I love being outdoors and so does my family.  When the weather is cold, it’s just not enjoyable for me.  My boys can play outside no matter what, but I have poor circulation and I get cold FAST!  I’m just miserable in five minutes flat.

Winter is also so hard because it’s a down time for most photographers.  I’m not out meeting with people and shooting and sharing memories as much as I do in the warmer weather.  I’m not connecting as much!  As a stay at home mom (for most of the time) that part of photography is my life savor.  I LOVE staying home with Linc and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but for those few moments when it’s just me and my camera and these amazing people that allow me into their world… it’s just such a blessing for me in ways I could never describe!

This winter has been a crazy one!  So when all of that snow hit but the sun was out… it was a sign.  I saw a post from another incredibly talented photographer friend (Jessica Ryan) that she was going to be shooting a few complimentary wintery sessions on and I thought… that is an amazing idea.  Here I was, in my pajamas (still getting over being sick) feeling pathetic and sorry for myself with free time on my hands.  I felt like this was a sign that I needed to take inspiration from her and follow her lead!

These snowy seasons that I’ve been able to do have done more for me than I could ever put into words!  Those who were willing to trudge and tromp through the snow just to play with me don’t realize how much they gave back to me!

And what I didn’t realize was in small ways, what a difference just getting out of the house or a simple set of images (or even a chance to just play around without stress) could make a difference for them!

I know I’m not great at the business side of things, but I feel like God knows this and so when I need to just get out and shoot from my heart, He gives me families and couples and little ones that for some reason or another just need a day off!  They just need a moment to play or they need some one on one time together.

I feel like it’s in these sessions, I hope anyway, that God is the one who is helping me give back and using me for His purpose and that this is all a part of His plan for me!

I’ve been given so much in this world of photography, I’ve been taught so many things by soo many wonderful people!  Andi Grant, Tara Liebeck, Amanda Hedgepeth, Katelyn James, Elizabeth Friske, Amanda Manupella, Erika Mills, Ginny Zapar Cohen… just to name a few.  All these wonderful ladies I call my friends and all have given so incredibly much to me and still do in ways of community and inspiration and growth and mentoring!

Giving back is just a natural thing!

  • March 20, 2015 - 11:48 pm

    Karey b - Loved this Brooke! We were truly blessed by our session with you. I’ll cherish those sweet moments and pictures forever and I have YOU to thank! AND on top of that God gave me a pretty good friend and maybe future son-n-law!!!ReplyCancel

What happens when you live in a coastal area that really never used to get snow but has had a winter that has been covered in it?!  You gather up your girlfriends… make one of them put on her summer designer bridal gown (yep) and you go out for a pretty fun snowy bridal session!

At least… that’s what we did!

Lauren (who was just an incredibly amazing trooper), Elizabeth and I did just that on a cold Saturday morning!

We don’t really ever experience snow that sticks around and so when ours actually did… we thought,  who wouldn’t love a chance to get their bridal portraits done in the snow?!  It’s never an option for us!

So I kind of forced it on Lauren and then coerced Elizabeth to tag along!

There were so many amazing parts of that morning (that only lasted about 30 minutes because it really was freezing!).

The three of us had a blast and it was nothing short of a goofy, girly, silly time!

What also ended up happening is that two photographer BFF’s who often shoot together (all the time) were finally able to share this idea visually with our friends and family!

Two photographers and the closest of friends who have learned this world together, navigated this business together, and shoot with a similar style actually come together on the same session (ONE SHOOT) and produce two totally different perspectives!

It’s actually really remarkable!

There seems to be a lot of comparison these days and I really do believe the saying that “comparison is the thief of joy!”

No two people are a like… no matter how hard they could ever try!

Everyone has their own unique and wonderful perspective and spin on things.  Everyone has their own style!

Elizabeth and I have been working together on shoots, weddings and sessions for so many years now!  It’s funny because there are times when we don’t even have to speak we know each other that well.  We have the same ideas for staging rings or setting up a pose or a type of location!  That kind of relationship is not made… it’s just one that you know is a blessing!  It’s meant to be!

Yet even though there are times we can be right in sync with one another, we will always see through our lens in a different way!  It’s amazing and it’s something I will always appreciate and be thankful for.  It’s what makes us better photographers… separate and together.  We lift each other up, we help each other grow and we compliment each other.  Always!

And that is my favorite part about photography!

One session:  two perspectives!

So check out our really fun snowy bridal portraits with Lauren!  And by the way, can we just talk about how GORGEOUS she is?!  Who else can look THIS fabulous in a summer bridal gown in the freezing cold snow!  She looks fabulous and she rocked out every second of it!  She is a rockstar!

Be sure to check out Elizabeth Friske’s blog too for her vision and perspective on our session!  Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!