Yearly Archives: 2015

” Love is patient, Love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.”

“It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs”

“It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.”

I honestly can not think of a better way to describe the love that these two have for one another than the verse we all know so well above.

With maybe one exception and slight addition… sometimes love knows a time when it needs to just play!

Claire and Ian are two of the kindest, easy breeziest souls that I have ever met!  As individuals they pretty much embody those wise words above… when they  love those around them it’s a quiet and pure love.  They take care of those around them in a humble way (both choosing careers of service to others) and always putting others first. Claire and Ian are funny and easy going and both are up for anything!  They are willing to go to the ends of the earth for those they love and no distance is ever to far.

Together, these two are pretty amazing to see!

When they get together, these two humble hearts not only protect and take care of one another in a way that is beautiful to watch… but together this dynamic duo is playful and adventurous and carefree!

It’s a love that is without limitations and without fear!

Now I said theses two were quiet and humble and those that are closest to them might be giving me a bit of a weird stare…

Claire is anything but quiet when she wants to be!  She is FUNNY and she makes the best mean mugs I have ever seen (although, Ian’s are pretty awesome!)

When I say these two are playful, it’s kind of an understatement!  I called and they were ready in less than an hour for this session.  They are playful and they really are up for an adventure whenever it presents itself!

We met for our snowy session and these two were up for anything I had in mind!  The snow was deeper than it had been in days and we tromped (literally tromped) through the woods like we were all 5 years old!

Claire and Ian were having snow ball fights in between snuggles and cuddles and mean mugs and laughter.  There were inside jokes and some outside jokes as well 😉

There were hug a backs and some wounds that might have happened.  I may have even been told  they were the cutest teenage couple a passerby had ever seen! 😉  (They aren’t teenagers!!!)

All in all, it was a quick and FUN session!  A session that left me remembering that sometimes love and relationships need to be nurtured through adventure and playfulness!  Romance IS fantastic but in the long run… laughter and silliness is what keeps us going and building and moving throughout the years!

Claire and Ian appreciate one another for exactly who they are!  They celebrate each other’s quirks and love one another better for them!

They lift each other in ways only the BEST of friends can do and they love each other with such unconditional patience and kindness that we could all benefit from!

So without any further random chattering from me… here are some of my favorites from our session in the snow!






So these are some of my favorite right below…

And then we had a Jack and Rose moment.. ” I’ m FLYING… don’t let go, I’ll never let go!!!”

And then our epic snow battle began… I had to include these guys!  Claire was wounded in the battle.. it was that intense!  Thank GOODNESS, Ian is a firefighter and first responder!  There could have been loss of limb!

Thank you Claire and Ian for trekking out there with me on both your snow days off!  I had a blast with you both and I feel so fortunate to have been able to spend a few moments with you and just have some FUN!

You guys are amazing and I enjoyed every second of our time together!



We were home!  We were overwhelmingly happy… and then the lights went out!

It was like someone had flipped the light switch off for me… and I don’t say that jokingly or lightly.  It really was exactly like someone just flipped a switch, and I went from overwhelmingly and perfectly happy to darkness.

Here is where my really real story begins… are you ready to hear it?!  Am I brave enough to really talk about this?!

5 weeks old and he was still absolutely perfect!  He was an easy baby as far as newborns go~  He slept pretty much on a good schedule.  He barely ever cried (only if he was hungry or needed to be changed or he was gassy).  He was a really gassy baby but that didn’t seem to be a problem  He just needed some attention and a little leg pumping.  He was happy and oh such a good baby!

I loved being a new mom… I was so breath-takingly smitten with him!

5 weeks old… and then oh and then!

Anxiety hit, panic even!  Tuck had gone back to work and even back to traveling but until 5 weeks, it didn’t phase me.  5 weeks:  I couldn’t do anything.  I didn’t know how to do anything anymore.

5 weeks:  Linc would cry and it had changed.  His little cries that were once endearing were like nails on a chalk board and I didn’t know how to calm him!  How could I be a good mother and not know how to calm my baby?!

5 weeks and the nightmares set in… the awful nightmares that kept me awake even on the already short amount of spurts I would get to sleep.  I would lay awake all night… afraid to sleep.   I would worry about all the illness I saw at the children’s hospital.  What if that could happen to Linc?!  I would tip toe into his room when I thought Tuck was sleeping and I would rock our sweet baby boy and I would silently cry.

What if we lost him?!  Life is so short sometimes.

5 weeks and my blissful mother hood turned into a post-partum depression nightmare.

It didn’t start all at once… I would start crying over the silliest things:  how cute Linc looked in pajamas at night, a song I would sing to him going to sleep (Dixie Chicks Godspeed… which by the way I dare you not to cry at that if your a mom of a little boy).

Then I noticed that my patience would start getting pretty thin:  Linc would have gas and I couldn’t fix it right away and I would become so angry at myself!

I started to shy more and more away from the tasks of motherhood and Tuck stepped up more and more to take the lead.  I would then become more upset with myself and feel so incompetent and it would be such a vicious cycle!

Finally…. it hit hard and I had a moment!  A very real moment and I called my mom, crying!  Tuck was traveling and I needed someone to be there with me right away to help me work through all that I was thinking and feeling.

My mom is amazing and she was amazing during that time for me!  She encouraged me to talk about how I was feeling with Tuck and my doula… and maybe just maybe it was time to seek some professional help.

It was pretty emotional for me as I talked things through with Tuck.  It was more emotional for me to call and leave a voicemail for a counselor without even making it 5 seconds before sobbing on the message.  It was pretty evident I wasn’t suffering from just “the baby blues” and I was scheduled for an appointment right away.

I felt sad and ashamed and weak.  Post partum depression wasn’t supposed to happen to me!  NOT TO ME!  All I ever wanted to be was a mom.  I wanted 5 kids… 5 and yet, here I am with only one and I’m depressed about it?!  I couldn’t believe what was happening!  I didn’t understand it.  Tuck and I wanted Lincoln so incredibly much and after all that we had been through (which I know is not much compared to what some couples have been through) how could this also be placed in our lives?

This is the thing though:  God places all these obstacles as lessons and here He was giving this to me for sooo many reasons!  Reasons that I haven’t been able to see until now… almost 3 years later.

First:  I needed to have my pride checked a little bit.  Yes I wanted to be a mother so badly, but I also relied a lot on my education and background and assumed I would be really great at it.  I assumed and so I judged.  Well guess what friends… I am now the LAST person who will ever judge another mother EVER!  You never know what situation another person is in:  especially a mother!  It is HARD.  HARDER than HARD when every single second of the day your choices will impact the future.  We mom’s need to stick together and stand UP for one another and lift UP one another in encouragement instead of breaking one another down!  We judge each other too much in online forums and at the store and in our mommy groups!  We need to instead rally around one another and support each other’s choices and celebrate the fact that we CAN make choices that work for our own individual families!

Second:  No one really talks about Post Partum Depression, it’s almost like it’s taboo.  It’s really out there people and it does happen often!  The best way to fix it or feel better is to openly talk about it!  There is nothing wrong with you and nothing you did specifically… this just happens!  It’s not your fault and it doesn’t make you weak!  Talk about it!  Get those thoughts and feelings out of your head and air them out to someone you love!  Most importantly, don’t be ashamed!  Don’t waste too many nights or days feeling too scared or ashamed to talk to someone about how you are feeling.  Help is out there and there are so many people who want to be there for you and will understand!  Being a mom is an amazing gift and it is waiting for you to enjoy… all you have to do is talk to someone and let them know how you are doing, really doing!

Third: God placed some pretty incredible people in my life during that time who encouraged me in ways I could never explain or express in words!  They kept me moving and many of them kept encouraging me to pick up my camera and document life and how I was seeing things.

I don’t remember things as crystal clear probably as Tuck does because let’s face it… it’s a time that was hard and rough and I would rather choose to focus on the days that were upbeat and happy!  The one thing though that I feel (thanks to those people) I did get right recording those days with my camera.  Even though I may not remember all the little details, I still have them because my camera captured everything!

This is what has lead me to create the Lifetime Experience for my clients!  This is why I feel that our story:  good, bad and everything in between is absolutely precious!

We don’t get our time back but it all matters!

Having Linc has been the best thing that has ever happened to me and to Tuck!  He inspires me in so many incredible ways every single day!  Linc is the reason for the Lifetime Experience that I give to my clients.  My story behind his birth and my experience with post partum despression is why I truly LOVE my clients and want to capture their true, most genuine moments for years to come.

I know how crazy life can be!  I know how wonderfully messy life can be!  We need to remember ALL of it… because every second of it is beautiful!



If you are feeling like I was above, please don’t hesitate to get help or check out these resources!

Remember… you are NOT alone but please know that what I was feeling and what you may be feeling isn’t normal either!

Check out these resources or talk to someone you love who truly knows you and can help you sort things out!




Ode to the many many reasons why I love my Elizabeth soo much!!!

In honor of her birthday today… I thought it would be appropriate to do a roast of sorts!  It’ so incredibly rare these days to find a true kindred spirit (think Anne of Green Gables here).  Our friendship extends so long and I’ve blogged and talked about it on ends that you all are probably soo tired of hearing about how great and amazing we are together!  But… it’s the TRUTH ya’ll!

It’s soo rare to find a friend like Elizabeth!  A person who is so beautiful inside and out.  Someone who is completely kind and genuine and generous.  She leads with her heart always, no matter what!  She is compassionate and thoughtful and sincere to a fault and I really do mean a fault!  Time and time again she leads with those qualities often forgetting to think of herself and today, we don’t find many people like her who haven’t been bruised or tarnished in some way!

She is really a diamond!

I think as soon as you meet her, you just understand what I mean!  She has a quiet nature about her that speaks of manners and social graces of decades long ago!  She is someone that you just instantly feel comfortable around!  She has this calming and comforting presence.

You meet her and you just instantly love her!  You  know that she is sweet, and good and loving!  You know she will be there for you and if you ever needed anything, she is the kind of person that would do whatever it takes to help you in anyway that she could!

BUT… what you don’t know is the side of Elizabeth that I know!!!  🙂

One of the things that I keep talking about and exclaiming is soo incredibly amazing is not only how wonderful she is (and our friendship is) but how incredible it is to have the kind of friendship and bond that we do in this crazy world of photography!

Photography has helped re-connect us and build UP our relationship (which is truly fantastic in itself!)

She is my partner in all sense of the word and learning and growing in this business together has given me the opportunity to connect with her in a way that has made me love her even more (if that’s even possible)

So here’s to Elizabeth on her Birthday!  I love you my friend… but it’s time the world gets to know you as I know and love you:  for goofy and loveable way you are behind the scenes!!!

So…. I give you Elizabeth…


*  One of Elizabeth’s best sides is her selfie side!!! My favorite is when we are trying to take a “professional selfie” Her best is super cute and smiling/ my best is when I’m goofing off with an open mouth smile!  Ask Elizabeth to open mouth smile and then explain how she looks.  “I look like I’m trying to eat your face off… nom nom nom”.  That’s a direct quote!!!

*  Location scouting:  “Is this a restricted area?!”  she says as she stands next to the no trespassing sign…. “I hope they don’t have guns…RUNNNNN”  When a twig snaps!

* Dear sweet brides…. a tip of sorts!  Elizabeth is GREAT with wooden hangers that have the wires that are bent to say MRS.   😉

* On her own photo sessions… (meaning when she is the model) she gets quite bossy with her hubby… RJ KISS ME!!!  RJ sniff me….  and she can rock out some model faces like NO OTHER!!!!  She tends to commandeer the session 🙂  But it always looks amazing

* RAIN is her nemesis (but she always packs super cute umbrellas, rain boots and extra water bottles) which sometimes get left in the car)  And there was this time in Nags head with a bridal party on the beach….

* FOG….  it always happens to us!  And we scream like we are on an episode of the twilight zone.

*  She used to be a ballerina and she moves with quite the grace during wedding day shoots!  No really, she does!

*  Eye of the Tiger is her mantra!

* Game day prep begins with lunch for us (where she barely eats)… sitting in the parking lot belting out eye of the tiger (or in the elevator like the gang from west side story) some kind of water guzzle or spark, and a frantic check off of who’s on first!  All this followed by a parking lot strip into our clothes and someone tripping/face planting somewhere on the way!

* Our dance consists of:  pointing, eye contact, nodding… winking… silent BOOYAHS… OMG ing and mental high fives!

* Tuck calls her my sister wife (enough said)  🙂

*  It’s a nice day…  our phones are busy because we are both calling each other at the same time for shooting purposes

* When we are doing separate sessions, we always tend to end up at the same location!  Our sessions usually tend to morph into one big session because we are just always better together!

*Motivational speeches:  We are both better at giving out advice to the other than following our own advice

*  I tend to go for the weird shot (meaning I’m balancing on landings and balconies) she gets THAT shot of me balancing and then like a great friend, places something soft or stable for me to land on when I fall.  Then she laughs!!!

*  Light testing… tends to go as follows “stand here, wait that’s not right.. OK turn here… wait don’t make that face ever again!”  hahahah  wait how DID you make that face?!

*  Setting the scene:  She’s amazing at it!  If you’ve never had the pleasure of seeing how amazing she is at decorating or setting a scene you need to work with her on this!  But it has to be just soo…. and she will adjust and adjust and adjust until it is perfection!  5 minutes later she will have an even better idea, and adjust again 😉  Ring shots… oh the ring shots!

* Nothing makes her happier than a beach day (except maybe a beautiful first look AND a beach day)

* First looks:  She will pull the car over ANYWHERE for the best first look!  Mosquito’s be warned… she comes packing!

I love you EB!  I can’t wait to spend many more days by your side and many more sessions clicking away with you!

The best part of our days are laughing together!!! I love all your wonderful sides:  your compassionate side with your big big heart and your goofy side which is sweet and silly!  I love your thoughtful side which comes straight from your soul and extends to everything you touch and I love your wedding day stressful side when all that you need is a little snapping and eye of the tiger!

I hope you have a wonderful birthday beautiful friend!!!  I love you so!

Here’s to you my friend!  Cheers!