We unplugged this weekend! It wasn’t by choice… but it was really amazing! I hope everyone has a chance to do this.
By unplugged.. I mean the computers were shut off! I didn’t check facebook (once!) I saw e mails in my inbox, but I didn’t have a single second to respond to them! (Which leads me to some business practices I think I might implement pretty soon!)
I looked at instagram, but we didn’t post or have a second to! We barely had a chance to pick up our phones except for a few phone calls here and there to our family members!
We left all social media behind (kind of) I mean we had access to, and Tuck didn’t really go unplugged because I dare say that might be impossible for him doing what he does, but I loved not connecting and not really “seeing what was happening”.
We were so busy not even being busy, just truly enjoying each other!
Saturday Linc had soccer and I got lost in target! I’m telling you friends… as a mom SOLO TRIPS TO TARGET…. WHAT?!
It’s a dangerous thing! I came home with soo many goodies that made Tuck just shake his head! Linc and I then re-decorated the kitchen and made lunches at the same time. We also took care of a sick daddy!
Tuck had to go into work for a bit on Sunday, so we went swimming at the Williams Farm Recreation center.
If you haven’t been there and you have little ones who love the water… GO! GO NOW!
It’s fabulous!
Linc and his buddy ran through the splash pad with some serious wild abandon! I’m really not sure who had more fun, Linc playing with all the amazing water park fun or me watching him dominate the water slides or show no fear at wading into the deep and swimming on his own!
Last night I sat there as I was journaling and writing my gratitude notes and I realized that as a small business owner doing what I do, social media is super important to my job. It’s such a wonderful tool but being connected to it all day like I am (like I need to be) and like sometimes I can be addicted to is overwhelming!
Taking the time out this weekend and I mean literally a “time out” from social media and being “connected” was truly a real blessing! I feel truly refreshed like my battery has been recharged!
I spent some serious quality time with my family and with Linc! Time that involved one on one uninterrupted conversation and play. Time that was completely undivided and 100 % in the moment~
I think one of my new goals or practices this year might be to stay as “unplugged” as possible on the weekends.
As I watched him wade into the water yesterday I realized how fast time is slipping by! I want to be present for all of his moments, really present! I want to give him my undivided attention so that later on in life when the moments really count… the conversations really count, he knows I will be there to listen to him!
You might think I”m so silly, but last night my little boy was TIRED! We went all day yesterday without a nap, we were having that much fun. Tuck bathed him earlier in the evening while I was cooking us a crazy dinner so he came down all fresh and clean in his spiderman robe and lighting mcqueen slippers to eat with us! He’s so cute!
But I decided to take him to bed last night and rock him off to sleep. It’s something we haven’t done in a while because he’s just so big now. He gathered all his winks and his blanket and he climbed up in my lap. The crazy bit was that the second he laid his sweet little head down on my shoulder he immediately fell asleep.
I rocked him a while longer and just cried a bit… good happy tears. He is getting so big but in moments like that, he’s just still the right size. He’s still so little and so sweet!
