Yearly Archives: 2015

It’s time to choose a word… last year I chose strength and while I may not have started out right away with a lot of it, I think I did an OK job following through with my one word for the year!

This year I put a lot of thought into my word. Brave!  It can mean sooo many different things.  I want to be brave and take leaps of faith in my business!  I want to be brave and step out of my comfort zone and push myself in my faith.  I want to be brave in my role as a mom and as a wife!

Yesterday our little family of three went to church.  We haven’t been in a while because Linc is potty training and well, I’ve been scared to take him.  Potty training boy, even though he is doing amazing at it, I just didn’t want to put that on anyone else!  We needed it though.  We needed the community and the encouragement and the message that was taught yesterday!

As we sat in church, I could hear the rain start to down pour outside and I thought oh man… what is going to happen to our day?!  We scurried out to the car (Thankfully Tuck pulled it around) and we headed on home to our “no nap Sunday!”

As Tuck tried (desperately I might add) to put Linc down for a nap, I realized why I really needed to settle on the word Brave for this year.

You see.. I am not the brave parent!  I desperately want to be!  I want to be carefree and go with the flow!  I want to go and do and throw caution to the wind!  But… something holds me back!  I worry.  I anticipate.  I worry about others and what they might think.  (or with a toddler, if we might disturb or interrupt).

Tuck is amazing!  He is pretty fearless!  He is the braver one of the two of us.  He plans but he doesn’t waste time worrying about would “could be”, he just does.

I never used to be like this!  I used to be completely opposite in fact.  I wonder what changed?!

As I sat there thinking about all this, something pretty amazing happened!  The sun came out!  Not only did the sun come out but the weather was warmer and it was this beautiful over cast but moody kind of day!

I sent Tuck a message (since he was still desperately trying to get Linc to nap upstairs) and told him to pack Linc up, I would grab the dog and let’s go ahead and take everyone down to the beach for a walk and treasure hunt!

It took a little time to get everyone on the same page, and everyone in the car, but Linc’s excitement and joy was pretty contagious!

The beach was gorgeous!  The waves:  magnificent!  We walked up and down (and even ran around a bit) as we searched for all kinds of beachy boy treasures!  We watched some surfers and paddle boarders catch some waves (I was a bit jealous) and we met some really nice people as we combed the sand.

I realized that these little moments of spontaneous adventures are so incredibly important.  This right here is what being brave and choosing that as my word is all about:  having these moments!

To just pick up and go and do and be.  To enjoy the moments without worry or planning or anticipation!

To just take a leap of faith (in so many ways) and enjoy what happens!

I need to be brave this year in so many ways!  I need to let go and just enjoy the adventure and experience it for whatever it may be!

We need to especially enjoy one another and let everyone else just fall into place, whatever place that may be!  Linc is only little for so long!  These types of moments and activities, the ones that don’t require anything but time and a car ride are the ones that matter the most!

So this year, I choose Brave!  I chose brave for all aspects of my life!  Brave in business:  take risks and push the boundaries, get out of my comfort zone and DO!  Brave in faith:  volunteer, get involved and start living with HIS purpose in mind.  Brave in family:  let go of the anticipation and the worry and just go and have FUN!  Be care free and spontaneous!  Maybe even break some rules!

How about you?  What’s your word for this year?


I’ve been holding off on posting my goals this year for 2015.

Let me just throw this out there… there is nothing special about January 1!  Ok?!  Let me just get that off my chest!

Ok… so there might be in terms of deployments or birthday’s or things like that!

In terms of goals though… why do we emphasize January 1?!  You can start whenever you want!  Change happens when you decide you are ready and you make up your mind to make things change!

So this is why I’m holding off on my goals a little bit.

This year feels different to me!  I don’t know why… but it feels bigger!  I feel like there is more in store for me and for my business than just making business goals, publishing goals!

I’ve had stirrings!  (I know that sounds funny) but it’s the truth!

I honestly feel like God is calling to me to do something more… I just don’t know what that is yet!

Last year was a rough year.  A really rough year.  I was dreading January last year in a big way.  Tuck deployed and although I’ve touched on it, I’ve never really shared how truly hard it was for me.

I’m not a very strong person.  There are times when I can be strong.  I can be physically strong when it comes to pain or needing to push through to get a job done.  Emotionally strong though is something that can come and go with me.

Last year I was not in a place where I would call myself emotionally strong!

I ended up getting there eventually, but with the help of many many people and lots of encouragement!  I had to completely break down first before picking myself back up and getting to a point where I used to be:  independent and capable.

Why is this important?!

So much of what I learned last year has changed who I am this year.  It’s changed who I am in my business this year!

It’s why I feel this stirring to do more!  It’s why I keep putting my pen to paper and then placing it back down when I think about writing my goals for 2015!

There are things I want to do, basic things:  Work on providing a solid client incentive program, packaging and branding, continue to update the website more often, and blog more!

But there is this other huge piece that has a need to do more!

I have this desire to educate!  I want to mentor!  I want to start a non-profit!

Basically I want to give back but in a really big way.

I’m not quite sure how yet.  I’m researching a lot of things and my notebooks and journals are filled to the brim with scribbles and ideas and thoughts that are just all over the place.

I just know that this year will be a big year for me in a way that comes straight from my heart!

Eventually, I will sort it all out.

I know it will all come together. But I can feel it in my heart… 2015 is my year to give back!

I can’t say it enough, how much I just adore this family!  Anyone who meets this family falls instantly in love with them!  Krystin and Vince are just great people.  That’s even an understatement!  It’s hard to describe two people the way you absolutely need to describe these two!  You just have to meet them in person for yourself.

I’ve been really blessed to work with them a lot this past year!  They had one incredibly big year and an adventure they will always remember!  You can check out some of their ride here and here !

Back in December, we were able to get together for a quick little family session!  It was nice being able to just breathe on one of our sessions!  To just relax and catch up and not worry about all the details or the timeline!

The three of us could just walk and talk and enjoy each other and take our time!

We spent most of the session trying to keep warm!  It was chilly that day (nothing like today but still… cold enough)! And we talked about their amazing honeymoon!

Here are some of my favorite images from our quick session together!

I love little G!  She’s just the best little mix of sass and sunshine!

FAVORITE!!!  Love this one so incredibly much!

  • January 9, 2015 - 2:32 pm

    Marcy Pearl - Brooke: These pictures are absolutely beautiful. Of course, I’m a little biased being Vince’s mom and Krystin’s mother-in-law. You do such great work. And Greyson – what can you even say about her – she’s a beautiful and sometimes crazy little girl. Thank you for all the great pictures you have taken of them.ReplyCancel