Yearly Archives: 2015

In this industry it’s so important to define who you and what makes you, well you!  

There are soo soo many photographers in the Hampton Roads area alone but also so many photographers new and seasoned in every area these days!

I actually love that there are so many people to choose from!  I love that you can decide who fits your family, or who fits your wedding or who fits your style the best!  You can choose who will be the best photographer to fit your needs!

Your photographer is someone that you are trusting to capture your essence and your true self!  You are asking them to understand who you are and connect with you on a personal level so they can truly show you how beautiful you are from the inside out!  And not just you, everyone involved in your session!

So, what does this mean:  you need to trust, connect and relate to the person on the other side of that camera!  You need to love who they are as an individual and not just love their work!  You want to feel as comfortable with them as if you are working with your best friend.  Once you can feel that way, your personality and your spirit will shine in your images!  You will receive genuine and authentic images that you will want to cover the walls of you house!  You will love them because they truly represent who you are and everyone else in them!

How do you get to know your photographer:  Research them!  Spend some time on their web page and their blog!  Actually read their blog and their personal posts.  Do you love the same things?  Can you connect over a weird love of Harry Potter or Coffee?

Start a conversation with your photographer over e mail or the phone!  Talk with them and get to know what they sound like. Do they have inflections, are they super upbeat and positive or are they more laid back and mellow!

Go out and meet with them and discuss your idea for a session!  Meet with them for a quick coffee date!  Just get to know who they are before you get to your location.  This way when you actually start clicking away, you have something to talk about!

*This is especially important for little ones.  If your little one can open up and feel comfortable with the photographer, you are golden!!!  

So after all this talk about spending the time getting to know your photographer:  Who Am I?!

I am Brooke Tucker and I am a Children, Family and Lifestyle Photographer focusing on providing a Lifetime Experience for all my clients!  (you can read more about The Lifetime Experience on my website!)

I am a momma to a seriously wild and crazy cutie named Linc who is 2.5 years old!  (Yep, I wrote 2.5)

I am a quasi military wife and I’m incredibly grateful that I have only experienced one deployment.  That deployment taught me more about myself, my family and my marriage than I could ever have been blessed to know.  It was a blessing in disguise… one that I’m happy to say I don’t have to repeat!

I am incredibly awkward and goofy and clutzy!  I promise you that I will fall at least 2 or 3 times during our time together.  It doesn’t have to be during a session either.  We could be meeting for a coffee at Starbucks and I will trip on my way in, sitting in my chair and again on my way out (probably over the same curb I tripped over coming in.)

Despite being awkward and clutzy, I somehow have some grace in my body oddly enough.  I am a Body Flow instructor and I used to be a dancer!

I laugh really loud!  I’m very high spirited and energetic!

I adore shooting family and children because it means I get to go out to a session and actually play!  I will roll around on the ground and pretend to be a swamp monster.  I will play tag and duck duck goose!  I love to play chase and peek a boo!

I will love your children like I love my own!

I carry a bag with me full of “surprises” for my littlest clients to help them feel more comfortable and break up the session time!

I am super emotional and cry at the drop of a hat!  Sometimes I cry while editing because I truly feel the beauty of each image and the importance of what that image could mean one day.

I love sushi, coca-cola and anything that has to do with salt!

I truly believe that it is vitally important to tell our story as we are living it!  All of our moments:  the best ones, the lovely ones, the hard ones and the bright ones, tell the world who we are!  They tell our family and our friends and our family yet to come that we really lived and we lived well!  We enjoyed each moment and we loved hard each moment!

I want to capture those moments… those wisps of baby hair, that sly coy smile your toddler gives, the running hulk hugs or princess butterfly kisses.  I want to keep those memories for you so that you can visit them whenever you like.  So you can share them with your world and continue to pass on those wonderful traditions.

This is who I am!

Am I the right fit for you?








OK! Here it is… the big news!  I’m so excited to really kick off this new year the right way!  Who doesn’t love a little GIVE AWAY?!

Here are the details!!  It’s really soo simple!  Only a few guidelines and you are entered to win!

  1. All participants must LIKE Brooke Tucker Photography on Facebook!  (Easy Peasy!)
  2. Leave a comment in the comment section under the image posted for the give away… WIN!
  3.  You can earn a double entry if you share the image on your own facebook page!
  4. All sessions will be done in Virginia Beach (time frame will be around February/March time frame!)
  5. Make up will be provided for the gorgeous mama!  YAY!  That is so exciting!!!
  6. Session will be styled and have some props but will also be laid back and free to allow your own family’s personality to shine through!
  7. Two dates will be secured (one in case it rains!)


The winner will be chosen (by random) at 7 am and announced on Facebook tomorrow morning!  Good Luck!  I am so excited to work with you!!!  I can’t wait to start this new year with some wonderfully fun family images!

  • January 7, 2015 - 7:56 pm

    Ileana - Win!! ReplyCancel

  • January 8, 2015 - 1:52 am

    Janice - Can’t wait to meet you! My hubby and I have 3 sons, 3 daughter in laws 1 granddaughter and 2 grandsons! What a wonderful family photo this will be….ReplyCancel

  • January 8, 2015 - 1:58 am

    Janice Monroe - WINReplyCancel

  • January 8, 2015 - 2:11 am

    Nikki Hofmeister - WIN!ReplyCancel

This past holiday season has been super crazy!  Why is it that once we become adults all of a sudden time just seems to fly right by us?!

I feel like once you become a parent, it’s even faster, but in this really odd way.  One minute it just seems like the hours are dragging on yet at the same time even though it feels like it’s the same day you check the calendar and it’s an entire month later!  Does this even remotely sound familiar to anyone?!

I am still having a hard time believe it’s already January!  Our little family has had some pretty crazy moments over here lately… both awesome and awkward ones!  We tend to usually be a little more awkward than others but sometimes our awkward moments are the ones we love the best.  I think that’s part of the reason Tuck fell in love with me… because I am so lovingly awkward and goofy!  Great thing Linc is also just the same adorably weirdly awkward person like his mama!  Oh the poor girl that falls in love with him!


  • Linc still talking about how “the magic happened!”  Every. Single. Day.  To multiple people, anywhere and everywhere.  It doesn’t matter who you are, or where we are.  If you look friendly enough or open enough to receive his magical message, he will tell you all about the magic that happened at our house over the holidays.  His best re-tellings are in the grocery store, with his hands full of the grape bag spoils!
  • Our carpet cleaner that we bought!  It’s no joke, it’s a legit carpet cleaner machine and I love it so.  It’s not a product, it’s a full on plug into a wall and suck up, wet it down clean the carpets machine!  It may not be exciting to you out there on the web right now, but when you have a toddler that LOVES smashing his goldfish crackers into cookie monster’s open mouth and forcing him to munch those little fish, it’s a genius!  Plus Linc can jump in some puddles like no other and his rain boots are his favorite little shoes right now so that cleaner is a mud buster!  I’m super stoked on it and you better believe it makes me happy!
  • Tuck has some exciting things going on right in his world!  Things we’ve been thinking really hard about and praying about.  We are still working on some things but for right now, we are just excited to see some pretty nice developments and think of possibilities!  (I know I know it’s a little secretive and cryptic!)
  • 2015 photography season is already booking and that’s AMAZING!  Mind. Blown!  BOOM!
  • Potty training!  And the fact that daddy is rocking the training out like a rock star!!!  Tuck has fully taken this on and I have to say, he’s been fantastic.  I give him ALL the credit for this huge milestone in our lives!  Well that and the fact that all of a sudden one day Linc decided he wanted to wear his “undaweahs” and that was that!
  • Potty training and rain boots!  Enough said!  That’s it.  Some days it’s all we wear (and all we do!)  We might wear a shirt, but that’s pressing it!


  • Linc likes to get out of his bed at night and this is a new development.  We don’t even make it a few feet when we hear him jump out of his little bed, flip the light on and start moving all his friends and blankets to the corner of his door.  He likes to make a little nest in the nook of his door jam and then fall asleep there.  It was really cute at first, and Tuck and I started to wait it out and then go upstairs (snap a quick pic to document his cuteness) and then scoop him back into bed.  Now it’s a bit awkward because we are wondering why he likes to do this!  It’s every. single. time!  If you follow us on instagram, you will see his nightly pictures there.  It’s really cute but I think people are going to start to wonder if he has a bed at all!  (Which he does and it’s awesome!  It’s a dune buggy guys!)
  • Potty training!   Ok so it is awesome and Linc is really good at it!  What’s awkward is having to bring the little “to go” potty everywhere we go right now.  He’s super particular about his toilets!  If you happen to be going out with me probably this next month or so, just be warned that there will be a small portable toilet in the back of my car!  Could be helpful on a photography session!  “You never know when you could have the go…” isn’t that the saying?
  • SO also on the potty training front:  the small toilet in the center of our living room!  If you aren’t around little ones, that could be a bit awkward for you.  That and our stripper toddler right now!  Boys will be boys!  He’s not scared!
  • When you are in the grocery store and your toddler tells the nice elderly lady next to you that “mommy can’t sing!”  Yep!  That happened!  And the next sentence… “Mommy does big tooties!”  Ohhh the mouth of babes!

I’ll just leave you with that last one there!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week!

TOMORROW:  BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!    Be sure to check the blog tomorrow for a big announcement!  If you are a family, you will definitely be interested… trust me!!!!


Hey…we love our awkwardness over here!  Thank you Elizabeth Friske for always capturing us for who we are!  We love ALL our moments… the good, the awkward and the pee pants ones!  Some families are naturally gorgeous and tender and loving and beautiful.  Our family:  we’re weird, an awkward and a bunch of crazies.  Just ask Linc!  But that’s why we all fit together so well!

Love who you are… embrace who you are and let it shine!

  • January 6, 2015 - 10:47 pm

    Elizabeth - Love you and your awkwardness!! This time it was the pee pee pants dance and last time was the no pants dance! Xo!ReplyCancel