Yearly Archives: 2015

This little angel… oh my goodness I want to steal her away and keep her in my pocket for all time~  She is the CUTEST!!!

She turned 1 back in September and I’ve been dying to share with you all her cake smash because home girl was a total rock star!!!   mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography

She DEMOLISHED her cake and we were shocked because she ate the entire thing!!!  E had never had cake before her shoot and we all stood by in shock as she decided right then and there that cake… was her favorite breakfast food!

E is full of life and full of spunk!  She is a little sassy and a little flirty!  She loves to dance and loves to explore!  She loves her mama and loves her sesame street rap music (yep I didn’t know there was such a thing either until her cake smash!)

She loves to sneeze and it’s the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life!

E is just a ball of sweet, gorgeous, cuteness and fun and her mama is one of the strongest most wonderful women I have ever met in my life!  I am blessed beyond measure that these two girls have come into my life!

So enough chatting because these images definitely speak for themselves! Enjoy E’s cake smash…. E absolutely did!!!

mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography mermaid inspired cake smash by brooke tucker photography

Dearest Moms!

We are so incredibly blessed!  Some days it’s crazy and chaotic and hectic!  Some days we can barely shuffle our feet from one task to the other and other days our feet just fly like they have wings of their own!

Some days they drag on like time is stopping as the seconds tick by at impossibly long moments of space and time.  While other days, they just disappear as if they had wings like the fairies we read about in stories or imagine with our children!  In the early morning hours, we just never know which day we are going to get… and sometimes we just get both all wrapped and smashed up in one!

No matter what the day unfolds though, we always know that deep down in our hearts, we are so incredibly blessed to be who we are:  Mothers!

We are often the keeper of memories and dreams.  We are the soothers of boo’s boo’s and skinned knees.  We are the snugglers and the rockers, the masters of disguise and the playmates for hours and days on ends.  We are the creators of castles, knights and dragons;  and the foundations of princesses and fairy dust and never lands!  We are the keepers of the house and the holders of the hearts!  Often times we are the barometer for the family and our patience is what keeps our family running smoothly and in tune with the rest of the world.

Some days require more than we have, but we always find a way and find the strength.  It’s somewhere in our hearts and in our bones!  We push through because we have an unconditional love that is unmatched and unrivaled.  It’s what makes us beautiful… from the inside out.  It’s what endears us to one another and connects us.

Sometimes… all it takes is to find that magic!  Do you see it?  Do you see it in your child when you watch them move and play?  Do you see their own special form of it that comes with their individual personality and spark?

I believe each child has their own magic and whimsy!  It’s there and that is what helps us continue through when the moments are tough or trying or hard.  When we can sit there in silence and watch that magic unfold!

It’s captivating and stunning!  Sometimes it can even take your breath!  You just have to be in the moment to see it.  You just need to let your guard down long enough to allow yourself to embrace that world and see your own magic within!

Do you see the magic?

It’s in every day moments:  our children can find it and often revel in it!  The way a light hits a certain spot and shines and sparkles like fairy dust! The way a cape can catch a breeze when the speed of your feet are just right when running around a corner really does lift you in the air for a few seconds flight of a super hero!

Do you see how your child can make their own magic?

Each personality is different and with that little personality is it’s own delight and humor and spark!  One little spark can ignite and entire world of fantasy and play… all you have to do is sit back and really SEE!

Some days this magic is what helps to push us through… to remind us how important our role is!  It is THE most important role and title we will ever have in our lives!

Can we harness this magic and develop it a little longer?  Can we foster this magic into who our children want to become or who they are meant to be one day?

Can we capture this magic so that we will always be able to hold on to it for years and years to come?!  To remember these days and share with our children who they were and how they were?!

Dear Mothers… can we savor it a little longer?!

Can we document this magic and tell it’s story?!

Time doesn’t stand still for any one or any second and that is the only thing that I know to be 100% true.  So for now, I just know that I want to make sure I am fully seeing this special magic of my little boy!

I want to practice being fully present in it for as long as I can while I can!

Whether I can be a silent observer or an active participant, I just want to make sure I’m there!

Do you see it friend?!

Can you see the magic too?




Happy Monday Morning Friends!

I can’t say it enough how much I appreciate having this blog back!  It really does feel good because no matter how many times I may feel like I’m just writing and possibly only my own momma might read it (Thanks mom!!!!) it still feels like a good old conversation I get to have with friends and family!

I missed it and sometimes you just need that:  to miss something in order to appreciate it!

Our little family has been up to LOTS since I last blogged!  We took a trip to Disney (which was AMAZING)!  We spent two whole weeks there and it was super hard to come home, I will be honest!  The weather and the magic and just the quality time spent one on one with my two boys… my heart was so full!

I have an entire post dedicated just to our time in Disney and spent with friends in Celebration coming later this week!  There are a lot of things that I learned taking a 3 year old to such a magical place… tips and tricks for those of you that are planning to go soon! 😉

We came home just in time to spend Halloween trick or treating with neighbors and friends.

The week was full with the launch of the new website and so this weekend we really just spent time unwinding from all a crazy October!

I’m really trying hard to keep up with my 365 Everyday project!  It’s hard to remember to capture memories for yourself: especially every day when life is just happening!

It’s almost like remembering to take a moment to breathe and soak it all in.  As momma’s we are soo busy with all the tasks and roles that need to be accomplished  during the day.  We always tell ourselves that we need to slow down and stop for a moment to really SEE what’s going on. Having a chance to do that or taking an opportunity… sometimes that’s just hard to do and I think we can all admit that!

This project is helping me to do that just that.  It’s helping me appreciate ALL my moments and realize that there truly is magic in even the smallest and seemingly mundane chores!

While I’m totally honest:  I’m NOT that great yet at remembering to actually DO this every day, I think it’ something that ALL momma’s should participate in whether you use your big fancy camera like I”m trying to do or you just use your i-phone!  I think keeping any camera out and available the biggest tip I can offer!

I plan to put these into an album at the end of the year as a reward to showcase how we truly lived our lives.. real, honest and complete!

So here’s to starting over for me (if you want to join in!) I’ll be posting I think every Monday or so.  I wish I could promise I will do so, but to be fair, I might not!  Life happens right?!

The project is 365 days and you just take a picture every day to represent your life!  There’s no real rules which is the BEST!  It just helps you to document your honest and true life.  I have found that it helps me with my own creativity and truly seeing the beauty in the chaos!

So.. if you want to join in with me here is my Week/Weekend 1:

Day 1:  Mini Portraits

Day 2:  Holiday Reading Material

I think what I love the best about this project is that it’s helping me to remember that especially as a photographer it’s not always about the “perfect picture!”

I can LOVE an image that isn’t technically correct!  I can showcase an image and put it in a frame if it’s blurry, if it’s off centered if it’s noisy!  As long as an image is meaningful to you and it creates an emotion:  YOU HAVE DONE YOUR JOB!  Who cares if it’s perfect!

SHOW THAT IMAGE OFF AND BE PROUD OF IT!  Screw the rules!  (Especially when it comes to our children!)

Children are quick and fast and they don’t stand still!  If we are truly representing life the way it is in the moment… perfection might not be the way to show it the best!

This project is helping me to really live my real is better than perfect!

I would love for you to have the same!