Addison Reese | Virginia Beach, Virginia

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography


If you’ve been following along with me, both in the blog and in my journey as a photography, you will more than likely recognize this mama and proud papa!  You will also recognize big brother as I have been blessed enough to capture him from the time he was just a cute little chubby baby crawling around on the sand!

I was absolutely thrilled when I heard the news that Erica was expecting another little one and even more ecstatic to learn that it was a baby girl!  I knew I had to be there to capture this special time for them as they continued to grow their gorgeous, loving and always laughing family!

Fast forward a few months… 9 to be exact… and I couldn’t believe it when Erica and I began talking about the arrival of Miss Addison!  Erica actually ended up going in sooner than expected which was a wonderful blessing because it meant that she was able to have her doctor that she trusts and respects by her side to deliver her second baby!  It was perfect timing because this doctor (whom I also love for her candor and her laughter) was about to leave for vacation!  She assured Erica that she wouldn’t dare leave though without delivering this baby!

I still can’t get over how emotional the process was for everyone!  Erica worked so incredibly hard and she never once gave up!  She laughed through it and I was able to watch my two friends who are always joking with one another really come together in love and grace and support one another in a way that I just can’t describe with words!

I also can’t get over how incredibly awesome it was when big brother was finally able to meet baby sister!  Oh those moments stole my breathe and captured my heart for sure!  He was so in awe of her and so gentle!!!  I know he’s going to be the best big brother!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography


We arrived at the hospital pretty late in the evening so this image below is one of my favorites!  Erica and Chad were constantly staying connected with their son Landon so he knew exactly what was going on!  This was the whole family face timing together!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography

Everyone took a bit of a rest, especially momma and baby! I came back a few hours later just in time for big brother’s first peek at baby sister!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography

Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see all the love grow between your new family of 4!

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