Monthly Archives: August 2016

I promise you as ludicrous as that title sounds above I actually gained a LOT from having postpartum depression!  I swear now, looking back on that time and having some real perspective, I am a better mother having gone through that experience!  

If you are just now getting to know me, you can catch up on my story Here and it’s continuation  Here where I first blogged my honest truth about my struggle with bringing Linc home and realizing I was struggling with more than just baby blues!

These were scary posts to write and even still, to this day, scary conversations to bring up with friends in conversation.  I hate that because there is so much power in sharing your story and so much healing that can happen when we share our hearts and our vulnerabilities with each other like this!  We all struggle every day with ups and downs and small heart aches and even big heart aches!  We might have similar worries and there is power in connecting with one another… if only we are brave enough to drop down our guards and let one another close to our hearts and our real imperfect lives!

Today I wanted to open up my own heart and share with you something that has been weighing on my heart for the longest time.  Something that I have learned and come to recognize over these past few years.  Something that might be a bit taboo and sound awkward, especially with a topic that isn’t usually associated with positivity and light!  I wanted to share 3 amazing things I gained from struggling with postpartum depression!  These 3 things have actually helped shape me into the mother that I am today and without having gone through that experience, as tough as it was, I never would have been able to appreciate some of the things that I do now!

Big experiences often have a way of molding us and changing us forever!  They make a lasting imprint on our heart and without that experience, without that struggle, I wouldn’t be on the same path I am now.  I am grateful for that experience!  Here is what I learned:

  1. To Have A Voice:  Having postpartum depression opened me up to a place where I no longer felt fear about my experiences.  I was able to finally gain courage and have a true voice with bravery to share my history and personal story!   In doing so,  I have found that not only was I so very much not alone;  but that soo many women I speak to on a daily basis also SHARE my story!  This sparks such meaningful conversations and connections that lead to friendships and heartfelt relationships.  I also learned (and this is so important) that my voice counts for so much when it comes to my son and my family!  There is no fear when it comes to choosing your words and standing up for your family!
  2. A Sense of Freedom:  It allowed me the opportunity and the acceptance to say to myself I am flawed!  I am going to make mistakes as a mother and that when I do, I will become an even BETTER mother for the growth that will come!  It allowed me to see that my son and my husband too will love me even more for those flaws!  Real is Better Than Perfect and I will choose to show my son that perfect is boring, perfect is not achievable nor is it even desirable!  As long as we give our best and all of ourselves every day that is the best anyone can ask for!
  3. Grace and Compassion:  No one should ever pass judgement on another mother!  We will never understand the choices each of us has to make for our own families!  All of us are unique!  Our children are unique, our families are unique, and our situations are unique.  The one thing that will always be the same is the bond that unites us:  the unconditional and unexplainable feeling, title and breathe of motherhood!  There is a lot of “mother-judging” that has been going around for far too long!  We are the ONLY ones that can ever understand each other from the day we start “trying” to become mothers until the day we cease to breathe!  We never stop being mothers, not a single one of us, no matter our situation or circumstance!  So why is it that we feel the need to bully, judge and cut our eyes at one another?  There is already so much judgement in the world from every other possible angle, our children included in that!  We need to band together and give each other as much grace, compassion and support as we can muster because we are the only tribe we have that can fully understand the struggles we go through from day 1 to final days!  Grace and compassion is what we all desperately NEED from one another!  Postpartum depression taught me that in the biggest way in that I was ashamed to share how much I was struggling.  I was ashamed because I was afraid of judgement yet the biggest craving I  had was support from other mothers.  It’s a desperate cycle because all you want is to hide in fear and lock yourself away from the people that you absolutely need the most love and support from!  If we all could just show more grace and compassion, I wonder what we could heal!

Motherhood is the most amazing, beautiful, crazy, exhausting, and breathtaking experience in the entire world!  At the end of the day… if you truly think about it’s the one thing in the world that can potentially connect us all!

This is just my story and I share it freely in hopes that maybe someone out there might be able to connect or know someone who could benefit from hearing something similar to their own story!  We are all unique and thats what makes us all so valuable!  If we can drop our insecurities and share more stories and share our hearts, we can do so much for each other just by relating and connecting!

If you have any questions or any comments leave them below, or if you would like to send something more personal you can connect with me through e mail


3 things I gained from having post partum depression by brooke tucker photography

Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography


There is absolutely nothing more intimate, nothing more beautiful, nothing more fun and one hundred percent more comfortable and relaxing than having your first family photos with your new little one taken in your home surrounded by love and laughter!

This is exactly how it was when I walked over to Ashleigh’s house one Saturday morning to capture their “new” family and their new normal with little brother Alistair!  There is nothing like to joy you feel when you know your family is now complete!

Everything was perfection right down to the smallest details of imperfection and that’s the way it should be!  Big brother Lars met me at the front door with his back pack on practicing for the first day of school (which we have already had down here in sunny Florida) and his favorite boston terrior leggings!  He introduced me to his new little brother and walked me around some of his favorite things:  like his bike (which I already knew from summer days of biking with Linc!!), his train sets and of course his favorite books that he loves to read to little brother!

Lars is already the best big brother there is!  He has perfected the snuggle and cuddle and loves to help take care of all baby brother’s needs!

We decided to head upstairs to my favorite place to shoot:  the family bed!  Lars quickly ran to grab his favorite stories and our adventure began to unfold from there!   The best part about shooting in your home is that you can allow for all the play time and all the snuggles and laughter that comes with simply taking the morning off, slowing down and just enjoying your own family!  Stories quickly turned into fits of giggles and wiggles, jumping on the bed and racing high fives in between snaps of pictures and kisses!  Family photography doesn’t have to be stiff and uncomfortable and an hour that feels like a chore!~

It should feel like a family play date and that’s exactly how this morning felt:  relaxed and comfortable!

Here are some of my favorite images from our morning together!  I hope you enjoy them!

Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography



Brotherly bonding time!!! I love these!!

Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography

Sleepy Baby!!!

Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography


Ashleigh… girl you are soo gorgeous!  Isn’t she just beautiful friends?!!!


Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography

Thank you so much Ashleigh and Big Lars…. (hehe) for allowing me to stop over and spend the morning with you and your incredible boys! I feel so thankful and so blessed to have you all in our lives! You all mean so much to us Tucker’s!!!
We love you all!!!

Happy Monday Afternoon Friends!

We’ve been enjoying the last few days of summer vacation around here which is partly why I’ve been so absent from the world of blogging (among other reasons!)  Our school year officially started last week and while I think as a kid I would be horrified, as a parent I am thankfully very much appreciative!

Linc started his first legit year of big time pre-school!  It was very exciting!  In Virginia Beach we had him in the Goddard school so he is well versed in school, but this year just feels so different!  He started the VPK program (which is amazing ya’ll… all my Virginia friends need to get on that… it’s a state program that pays for your child to go to pre-school) at our local community presbyterian church and the curriculum there is amazing!  We couldn’t be more thrilled and blessed all in one!

Since our little guy is in the afternoon class, we spent lots of mornings playing and taking our time just enjoying the mornings together as a family.  We played lots of team hot wheels, took long walks with Tipper and ate Chick fil A before heading over to class!

We also spent the weekend at Mickey’s house with some friends and swimming at the pool past bedtime!

Tuck and I broke out our new favorite toy: our Ikelite underwater housing for my big girl camera the 5D markiii!  I can not even begin to describe how much fun this was not only for us but for the kids too!  Everyone felt like mermaids and mermen!

Sometimes I think being able to take some time off away the world of social media, away from the blog and away from being just “a professional” are just good for the soul!

I feel like as mamas and boss ladies (and gents) it’s almost necessary to unplug for our children and ourselves!  We put so much pressure on ourselves to be everything to everyone and continue to find new and exciting ways to be creative and challenge our hearts and our minds yet we hardly ever take a break.  Sometimes it even feels like a cardinal sin to slow down and rest because our business will fail.

Yet when we finally do slow down because our children demand it or our bodies force us to;  we realize how energizing it actually can be and how after chugging along so much that much needed break ends up refilling our cup that was running on empty for so long!

How do you find balance with your family?  Do you take a day off every now and again to just unplug and put the world aside and play?  How often do you choose to commit to that?

We should all come up with a goal or a plan I think!!!

I hope you all had a great weekend and cheers to a wonderful week ahead friends!