Happy Monday mamas! As I sit here on Sunday night (yes.. for real I am blogging on a Sunday night and I consider that a big win in my book) I realize that the weekends fly by us all too fast , especially with little ones! It’s a little crazy and a little sad which is why recently I’ve really been focusing on what I am truly thankful and even more so during this time of holiday season. It’s easy to find ourselves getting caught up in day to day matters when you have so much on your plate on the normal scheduled daily basis; but when you add in the hustle and bustle of the wonderful holiday season and especially the one that is upon us at the moment our days tend to get downright overwhelming sometimes. I find myself lost in the items that need to be checked off the “to do list” or the oh my gosh we have only 3 more Friday’s until the BIG DAY, we have got to get moving on some very important items if you know what I mean stress busters, and I forget to savor the moments that I should actually be on my knees thankful for and appreciate.
That’s why for my Motherhood Monday Instagram question I wanted to ask all my fellow mamas out there what it is that YOU are most thankful for this holiday season? I wanted us to all take a moment, stop what we are doing, breathe, and then truly search out what it is about our every day lives that just stops us in our tracks because it is that amazing (and yet at the same time not remarkable at all). We all have many moments or things in our lives that fit just that description. What is it in your life right now that you have everyday or have as a regular part of your life that you are just thankful for during this holiday season especially!
Right now in this moment I think I’m most thankful for the moments that actually do drive me crazy, does that sound so weird? I’m thankful for the meltdowns and the tantrums and the many time outs that we have been having in our house lately and we have had plenty this weekend alone. I know that I lose my patience and that I need to use some deep breathing techniques because it would probably help the entire family if I did but it’s in these moments that I find myself this month in particular feeling quite grateful. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t usually feel this way until way later in the evening when everyone else has gone to bed and I’m finally able to rest my head on the pillow and reflect on the day (and my temper has finally subsided). I realize though that I’m lucky that I get to have these moments! I’m so lucky and I’m so blessed! Linc is happy and healthy and we are happy and healthy as a family. I’m blessed and thankful that we are all together this holiday season and that we are experiencing a relatively normal 4 year old season! I know that years from now I will look back on these days and laugh at my short tempered mishaps and I will wish for these days back once again! I’m thankful that for these moments that are flying by all too quickly, I get to have them at all in the first place!
So my mama friends… what is it that you are thankful for this holiday season? And are you too experiencing the holiday drama that we are experiencing here at our house? I do hear that it’s the time of year where all the little ones are pretty revved up, but are you also experiencing a lot of time outs and sassitude?!
motherhood mondays| what are you most thankful for during this holiday season