Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! To many people this day is filled with all kinds of love and roses and chocolates and romance! To many other’s, this day is filled with hallmark suggestions and it’s really just another day… because we should be telling those we love how much we appreciate and care for them as often and as much as we can rather than just one day of the year because we are supposed to. To other’s… it’s just a day that we celebrate because we can… no pressure, no problem! Either way you celebrate… (and in our house it’s a little of all three I think) I thought I would share some super cute images from our valentines mini sessions we set up all the way back in January! A bromance filled with love and piggie noises!
There’s no denying that Linc’s BFF here in town is our tiniest little neighbor Louie! These guys are soul mates. When our friend “Meester Tony” brought Louie home (shortly after we moved down here) we had to have a few serious conversations with Linc about the fact that no Louie was not our puppy and no he wasn’t going to stay in our house! We actually had to have that conversation with Linc every single time we saw “Meester Tony because we were all sort of afraid Linc would scoop up baby “woouwie” as he pronounced it and now it’s actually how we refer to him now, and smuggle him home.
Now the two are kind of adorable together~ Linc screams WOOUWIE at the top of his lungs whenever he sees him and the two actually run to greet each other! There is usually a huge lick and kiss attack that goes on and then the two go run around in circles until they sort of/kind of wear themselves out (as if that were possible). The best part is the squeals of laughter and piggie snorts you can hear from about a mile away!
What better way to celebrate LOVE day (when your 4 years old) than with your best BRO and some major treats?! Linc came ready for some cotton candy and Woouwie (a.k.a Frenchie Louie Primavera ) came all groomed and dressed to the nines in a new bow tie and everything!
The rest, well I can’t even begin to do it justice! My mama heart just burst into a million pieces! Enjoy my favorites below, along with some commentary because, why not!
Happy Valentines Day friends!
The getting ready stage…
Valentines day candy crush with best buds french bulldog and little boy
And I mean… this is just my favorite! This is my kid… I know he’s saying OK MY TURN… but probably not so politely!