Yearly Archives: 2017

Today, in our culture of work hard so we can play harder, schedules and routines that are often so jam packed, I feel like it is one of the most important and one of the most rewarding things as a parent to be able to just get outside some nights and take a “time off”!  That’s my goal every single time I am lucky enough to schedule a session or a play date as I like to call them with families in the evening and the golden hour!  I love for my families to be able to just let loose, drop the routine and actually PLAY with their little ones!  The real kind of play where you can run wild in the grass, tickle fight and get a little bit dirty without having to truly worry about the kids having to be on their best behavior!  That’s the dream as a parent right?  To actually play with our kids?!  To enjoy them while they are little before they grow up and they are off with their friends?!

This was the exact kind of session, the kind of dream session, I had with the Cooling family!  The girls were perfect in every way:  they came and dirtied up their piggie toes, they ran wild in the grass, they laughed deep belly laughs and they even climbed some trees.  You want to know the absolute best part, mom and dad were right there with them and that was my favorite part!  I was able to capture the whole family playing together and having a great time… together just being silly!  We all sat on monsters, we squished them and made animal noises!  We screamed at the top of our lungs and I think we even sang about booties a bit!

What’s a perfect night without talking about booties right?!

Here are some of my most favorite shots from our time together!

Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits

The girls came ready to play!  They brought their lovies and their excitement!  They asked if they could take off their shoes which immediately captured my heart because I almost never wear shoes when I’m shooting!  Let’s earth it together girls!!  😉

Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits

Aren’t these girls stunning?!  I mean seriously!!!!  GAH!

Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits

We decided to move down to the path and break out the bubbles!

Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits

We started to wrap things up and of course, I never truly put my camera away until the car doors close and I’m glad I didn’t!  The sillies started to come out and I just couldn’t help but capture these!

Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraitsThank you so much for hanging out with me and playing with me!!!

I can’t wait to see you guys again!!!



When I first started out as a brand new photographer I have to admit one very scary secret:  I was overwhelmed and totally lost!  You see I thought I knew what I was doing, but ya’ll I absolutely knew nothing!  I was just winging it and I was in that mindset of fake it until you make it;  I just didn’t know it.  I didn’t know until I met up and had the honor of shooting with some of my friends that totally DID know what they were doing and right then and there it was blatantly obvious I was a complete novice!  They were using words and terms that sounded like a foreign language to me.  They were incredibly fast with their fingers moving about their whole camera bodies when I was still working in portrait mode! They had more lenses in their gear packs than I knew existed at the time and we won’t even go into the lighting aspect!  Being a brand new photographer in this world can be really intimidating, especially when there is so much information out there that you aren’t quite sure where to even start your learning.  It’s all just totally overwhelming, right?  Well, this is where I want to help!  I want to help because I had help and without it I wouldn’t be able to capture the most precious memories I have of my family in the way that I like and the specific style that makes my heart sing!

So, today I’m sharing with you what I feel are the best resources out there for new photographers right now.  These are the same resources that I still use when I need a little extra help because guess what:  you will always be learning this wonderful craft! That’s the best part about photography!

This is list is a random list of resources from educational tools to actual first pieces of equipment that changed my game! I hope you find it helpful and if you do pass it along to someone else who might need a little help, because we all need a little help sometimes!

9 resources for new photographers

  1.  Clickin Moms:  Whether you are a mama or not this website will become your number one go to for information, learning and inspiration, if you let it!  I will be the first to admit that I blew it off for years.  In fact, when someone suggested I become a member and even attend a workshop, I became highly offended.  Now, I wish I could go back and smack myself in the face for being so silly.  Seriously ya’ll!  I am even applying to be Click It Pro right now, that’s how amazing I find this organization.  I have completely changed my tune.  They have resources, workshops and information for just about every side of photography that you could think of:  motherhood, newborn, still life, landscapes, magical and fantasy, wedding, couples, childhood etc.  The list could go on and on.  They even have their own forums, conferences, photo school, and referral programs!  If you are just beginning your photography journey, I highly suggest you head on over to and check them out!
  2. Find a Friend or a Mentor:  Most of us learn best by doing or talking it out so find someone you really truly TRUST (that’s the most important key thing in this partnership) and do this together!  You can learn your camera’s manual inside and out but if your like me it just won’t truly make sense until you apply it, over and over and over again!  I had to learn with someone and that meant not only finding myself a mentor to help teach me the tricks and tips but also finding a friend to go out with me and practice, practice practice!  Elizabeth Friske and I would go out on weekends and seek out new locations and we learned photography together!  Some things she understood way better than I did while other things just came faster to me.  By having someone you trust by your side, you can lean on each other and have fun along the way!  It’s also important to find yourself a mentor who is already established, skilled and in the business!  Most often a mentor is someone who will take you under their wing (and yes, there usually is a fee because this is their job and their life’s work) who will help you see where you need to grow and what you are already excelling at and then help you determine if you want to make this an actual business and how to start and also make important contacts!  Mentors are fabulous and I am very thankful to those that have mentored me along the way!
  3. The Rising Tide Society/Tuesday’s Together:  Need to find a friend and mentor, the best place to meet up with them is at a Tuesday’s Together and a Rising Tide Society Meeting!  If you haven’t heard about this, you need to just go ahead and go to this website right now (after you finish reading this post of course!) The Rising Tide is a group of peers in the industry who are all about community over competition!  They want to see everyone succeed and fulfill their dreams and part of this community is a place where everyone can come together to meet!  This is where Tuesday’s Together come in.  You can log on to facebook and find the local Tuesday’s Together group in your area and find out when and where they are meeting next.  It’s the perfect place for you to not only find other photographers and like minded creatives in your area;  but also find your mentor and friends that could help you grow and develop your creative talents! Also The Rising Tide has an amazing amount of resources and education online!  You will adore this website and you will check it everyday!
  4. Invest In a Good Prime Lens:  Not everyone will agree with me on this one but for me it truly changed my world!  After you have started to learn your camera truly inside and out, it’s time to invest in a good prime lens!  My first lens was the 50 mm 1.8 (canon).  This lens is relatively in-expensive when it comes to prime lenses and it’s worth every single penny!  I got mine off amazon and I still have this lens and use it as a back up for my 50 mm 1.2 .  A good prime lens and shooting in manual mode will take your images to a place where you have total control!  You will notice a huge difference and it will make you wildly excited!
  5. Scott Kelby’s Digital Photography Set:  I’ve actual written a post on this before, but I love this set of books!  These are incredibly helpful and informational.  My books are all dog-earred and highlighted.  They are bent and weathered.  I still pull them out to reference to this day!  They are an easy quick read and they cover just about everything.  I will say, they aren’t a fun read.  It’s not something you read at night for pleasure;  it’s purely for learning sake but it is helpful and he is funny.
  6. Lightroom:  Lightroom is the editing resource that I use the most!  It’s also the editing resource that I feel is the easiest to use but that’s just me personally.  I do use both Lightroom and Photoshop.  There are a lot of great tutorials for Lightroom and also some great videos on Lightroom as well.  I do think that it’s much easier and much better to try and get the image right in camera first than have to edit and fix later!
  7. Back Button Focus:  Are you back button focusing?!  This will change your life!!!  Not everyone does this and that is totally OK!  It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but for me, it saves me every single time and it’s the reason that all of a sudden one day  my images went from somewhat focused half the time to tack sharp focused all of the time!  The easiest way I can explain this is that when you aren’t back button focusing, you are using the shutter button (the same button you push to take the picture) to tell the camera this is what I want IN FOCUS.  That can be a little tricky for the camera to handle, especially if you have a shaky hand like I do.  When you BACK BUTTON FOCUS, you use one of the buttons in the back of the camera (like the AF button) to focus on the image (and you keep that pressed down) while you press the shutter button to take the picture.  So… this time you are using two different buttons to do two separate jobs verses one button to do two jobs!  It’s much easier for the camera to handle!  *If this is something you are interested in, go ahead and go online to find your camera make and model and type in back button focus!  It will show you how!  I just had to do this with my new camera too.
  8. Shoot As Often As You Can:  Try a 365 Challenge, it will absolutely show you how much you have grown and also develop your creativity muscles!  Offer to shoot for those around you (but do so with boundaries so you don’t burn out or get taken advantage of)  Embark on a personal project with your loved ones or your family!  Doing big projects like these will not only hone your skills as a photographer but they can mark your growth technically and offer you the chance to develop a body of work and portfolio!  These are also great pieces to show mentors for critique but remember, photography is art and art is subjective.  Take in critique so that you can learn but also remember that art is art and if you truly love something don’t let another persons opinion of something get you down!  You are doing this for you!
  9. Have FUN!!!!  Never stop having fun!  This world has it’s ups and it’s down but don’t ever let it get you so down that you stop having fun!  There will be times that it will frustrate you and when it does go out and shoot something just for you and no one else!  There will be times when this world excites you to the tips of your toes and when it does, celebrate it!!!  Share it, post it, embrace it, love it, and most of all laugh about it because sometimes this world can be all too serious!  Always remember why you loved it in the first place!

These are just a few things that helped me when I started and still help me now!  I”m not a complete pro, I’m still learning!  I will always be learning~!  I hope this helps for those that have asked and for those that might ask in the future!

9 resources for new photographers

My friend and learning partner!  She and I grew in this business together and still do!  Elizabeth Friske is my girl Friday!  She’s my phone a friend and my other half in this crazy photography world!  Go find someone that you can trust and do this photography life with!  You will be so happy you did!

9 resources for new photographers

Back Button Focus!!!  Without that one little trick, that coffee cup would have been my subject rather than my cutie pie right there!  It saves me all the time friends… all. the. time!

9 resources for new photographers

Shoot all the time, as much as you can and just for you!  This image was part of a 365 day project that I start every year and fail to complete every year 🙂 hahah!  But if it weren’t for my family and the promise I make to take as many images as I can of our real, every day life I wouldn’t pick up the camera at all!  It’s what drives me and it is what keeps me going.  It stirs up my creativity and pushes me to learn new things every single day!  This shot was magical and it was spur of the moment.  It’s also one of my very favorites.  It’s not technically the best, the ISO is super high and you know what… I don’t care about any of that!  Photography is truly about capturing the moment and if you throw out all the rules to do that, then you know what screw those rules!

*The best advice I can give you pals:  If you capture an image that really stirs up emotion inside of you, if it takes you right back to the moment you created it and it gives you ALL the feels and all the goosebumps, guess what THAT is a perfect image.  It doesn’t matter if it’s perfectly and technically correct.  It doesn’t matter if it has a million likes and the respect of your peers.  If it tells YOUR story and it brings YOU right back to that exact moments and those rush of feelings come flooding in… you captured a perfect image right there!  Job well done pal!

Just remember that!

Happy shooting pals!

I was listening to something the other morning, part of an online conference, and the speaker… Tonya from Inkwell Press  spoke about something that struck my heart in such a way that I just honestly can’t put it into words!  Obviously I am going to try though because pals, it’s just way to true and way to amazing not to share with you.  Tonya spoke about smashing the marble jar!  I’m going to tell you right now, if you are a mom like me:  a mama that is vulnerable, that wears her heart on her sleeve, that tries so hard to be everything to everyone yet also pretty darn real and realistic as well then you probably smash the jar without knowing!  If you are a mama who laughs out loud at life because she knows that life is so far from perfect and mistakes happen and they make life not only funny but fun;  but also secretly tries so hard to not make those mistakes in the first place.  Well then mama pal… guess what, you too are with Tonya and me and you smash the marble jar!

Let me explain:  In our house we actually have a marble jar!  Well, it’s a glass stone jar of beautiful “sea glass” but you get it.  Linc gets to put a stone in the jar whenever he is kind, or he makes a good choice or basically he just does something pretty awesome.  It’s a great way for us to use positive reinforcement!  Linc loves it!  Whenever he fills it up to the top and he uses all the stones, he gets to choose an adventure and an experience that the whole family gets to enjoy!  Last time we all went to Gatorland for the day and it was actually awesome!

Now… back to us pals!

Did you know though that as mama’s we all have our own imaginary jar?!  It’s basically follows the same principal, whenever we do something awesome, kind or pretty great we fill up our jar.  Sometimes it’s hard for us to recognize this because as mom’s we tend just go about our business being awesome and not even taking note.  So just for a minute, go with me on this:  We wake up in the morning and we get our little ones up and ready for the day, drop a marble or stone in our jar!  Way to go us!  We make our little ones a healthy breakfast (or any kind of breakfast and they are eating) way to go mama, give yourself another marble/stone!  The little ones head off to school and all is well:  marble/stone.  This list can go on and on depending on who you are , what you do, number of littles you have and their ages!  If you truly think about all those jobs and tasks you do as a mom throughout the day, your jar get’s really full and if you truly take a moment to recognize all that we do as mom’s… I mean wow:  mind blown!

But here’s the catch:  we can do all these amazing things and then BAM one small thing happens or goes a bit wrong and we tend to hit rock bottom.  It can be something silly, like for me for example, I forget to take a load of laundry out of the washing machine and transfer it into the dryer!  When this happens, it means having to take that wet laundry out still wet, run the clean washing machine cycle because now it smells like serious funk and then start all over.  It’s totally not a big deal but it just stinks (literally).

Now remember all those marbles I had in my jar?!  I go grab that marble jar filled with all those wonderful marbles of accomplished tasks and good deeds so far in this one day and because of one silly little forgetful moment I had, I take my jar and I smash it!  I smash it over one silly tiny event that really doesn’t even matter and I don’t take into consideration all the amazing accomplishments or good deeds that I had already accumulated that day.

I mean guys… over one silly forgetful moment of laundry, forgetting an ingredient for dinner, accidentally losing my patience or heck forgetting to take out the chicken from the freezer, I take a big bat to my jar and smash it all to pieces!

Do you ever do this?!  Do you smash your marble jar?!

When Tonya was speaking about this I actually held my breath!  Why is it that I allow myself to do this?  Why do I wreck all my progress and self sabotage this way?  What if Linc did this to his marble/stone jar?  How would I react?  I can tell you I would be so upset.  So why do I allow myself to do this?

I think as mother’s we just get so caught up that we aren’t even aware that we are actually doing all that we do and also that we can let something silly totally undo all the work we’ve done in our hearts.

We’ve got to stop it!  We’ve got to stop being so hard on ourselves!

We’ve got to breathe and truly believe that we aren’t perfect and that is more than ok! That actually that is more beautiful than perfection ever will be!

We’ve got to understand that recognize that we are pretty amazing and all those little tasks that we do every single day are mountains of incredible when added up together!

Let’s make a pact right here and now to stop smashing our marble jars!

Let’s make a pact to stop seeing those small moments of “whoops” and mis-steps and forgetfulness and in those moments remind ourselves of all those great things we have done throughout the day out of love and commitment to our family!

Are you with me?

are you a mom that smashes the marble jar brooke tucker blog