Tag Archives: personal

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!!!

Ode to the many many reasons why I love my Elizabeth soo much!!! In honor of her birthday today… I thought itView full post »

His Crazy World!

He is a nut!  He is a funny and goofy little soul with an amazing amount of energy that lasts all day long! He is theView full post »

snow days (for days)

It’s no secret that we’ve had some snow days here in VB… for days! When I was little, I used to LOVEView full post »

Weekend Re-cap | Valentines Treats and Family time

Happy Monday everyone!  Hope everyone had a beautiful valentines day filled with some extra snuggles!! I’m not aView full post »

The Lifetime Experience: Strong Willed

It stared early… like 14 weeks early.  Little man was ready!  He was done and wanted to meet theView full post »

Weekend Re-cap- Realizing how blessed we are

This weekend was crazy!   It was not my favorite weekend!  On Friday, I had all these plans!  I do that… I makeView full post »

The Lifetime Experience: A story not for the weak

This is a hard series for me to really start!  It makes me nervous!  This is my real story.  My very real and veryView full post »

The Lifetime Experience | Behind the scenes

This post has been a long time in the makings:  to try and explain something that has my entire heart is a heavy heavyView full post »

To all the momma’s: An Open Letter!

The days somehow seem oh so crazy long (whether you work away from your littles and just trying to rush the day away toView full post »

Awesomely Awkward Moments

This past holiday season has been super crazy!  Why is it that once we become adults all of a sudden time just seems toView full post »